Both are accepted spellings in different venues. (see:
I recall being confused by this years ago when I was concearned different older texts had typos. (You know, like most of my own posts do.) The "p" spelling seems to have fallen into disuse most places, but is still found.
To those who share my own preference for a genuine Catholic monarchy: may I suggest a prayer-league to invoke the intercessions of Blessed Charles of Austria?
Quote: Who is Ron Paul? One of my colleagues was actually thinking it was Ru-Paul.
He's a 'veteran' Congressman from Texas; an OB/GYN by trade. Married for over 50 years. Pro-Life (unlike Ghouliani), Pro-Constitution (un-like most of the candidates), and Anti-War (un-like most of the Republicans and Mrs. Clinton).
Ron Paul Revolution!!!
Ron Paul is a good person and is a threat to the political and media establishment. He is one of the most ethical Congressmen and is a public servant, not a politician. So that means he won't get any media attention. He and the nation need our prayers.
In my opinion, he is the only Presidential candidate, Democrat or Republican who should get the Christian vote.
I actually made a contribution to Ron Paul's campaign today - the first time I've been able to do something like that in clear conscience for a LONG time.
Brian is the lonely holdout who still believes that those who support abortion really don't wish to kill babies. CDL
or on your side Dan, that those who support the death penalty or war are still pro-life There are inconsistancies in every political stance. No political party is God's party.
True enough. That's why I'm a monarchist.
Last edited by carson daniel lauffer; 11/13/0706:15 PM.
I not picking on you or anything, but of all the countries that had Catholcism as their state relgion I can only think of three monarchs who were actually good Catholics: St. King Louis IX of France, St. Stephen of Hungary, Bl. Emperor Charles I of Austria.
When I think of Catholic monarchy I think of King Louis XIV and Cardinal Richelieu - I think it is safe to say they were a little lacking in the application of Catholic morality to your subjects department.
Louis XIV was actually a Gallican. Not much good their.
Ron Paul on the late Holy Father: "To the secularists, this was John Paul II�s unforgivable sin � he placed service to God above service to the state. Most politicians view the state, not God, as the supreme ruler on earth. They simply cannot abide a theology that does not comport with their vision of unlimited state power. This is precisely why both conservatives and liberals savaged John Paul II when his theological pronouncements did not fit their goals. But perhaps their goals simply were not godly."
In other words, as St. Peter said, "We must obey God rather than men." -Acts 5:29
Hmmm... Maybe I need to take this fellow more seriously.
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