I also watched Clown Mass video. I've heard of the topic many many times here on the forum...but never have I seen it on video clip. It's the most sacriligious I've never seen!
What a twisted nutcases bowing before the blowing bubbles. Come on! That's so ridiculous.
I can't even go on and on and on here...it's just...B-A-D!
I find it an oddity to have this included here - especially after this late date. I am no fan of limiting the breadth of discussion - especially in the Town Hall setting - but it might be good to clarify motive.
Frankly, anyone who doesn't live under a rock knows that these abuses are far too common. Those of us that went to Catholic schools (depending on where) have seen the whole range... We know its bad, we don't care for it and (especially on this forum) you would be hard-pressed to find someone who would make apology (in the classic sense) for it.
But if the intent is to draw attention to "those Romans"... IMO that is sort of bad form. As Joyce once said when referring to the Catholic Church "Here comes everbody." Its a big place - we have our sinners we have our saints. Praise be to God, even when or where abuses are common, they can still be called out as that - abuses.
I hope the intent of bringing this up is not to illustrate or bring attention to scandal which could or would be seen as validating opinions or decisions to NOT be that. Most Catholics I know who take their faith seriously do NOT want that either.
If it is the intent to draw a attention to this sad episode as "proof" of something or another, that would be most unwelcome.
You have really gone a bit far with this last post.
spdundas has said he was unaware of last year's discussions - have you read them yet ?
I totally agree with Dr Eric's plea to close the thread
I don't see how I went far - I wanted to know what the purpose of seeking out and discussing these things were to begin with.
Liturgical abuses are a known quantity - it is my hope no one is highlighting abuses to discuss for the sake of "proving" something about a communion. Mostly such scandalous situations proves we are a hospital for sinners, not a hotel for saints, and bad apples can be found.
I have not read through last year's discussion on this forum - this was posted without reference to that discussion originally. The video itself made the rounds with a vengence last year so many places it could not be avoided, and reliving it annually is something I would not hope to have to endure.
The sort of video that would be edifying to discuss or consider might include the one on YouTube about the Missionaries of the Poor:
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