[EDIT: I see that unfortunately the Hungarian vowels with double acute accent (aka "Hungarumlaut") do not display correctly in the forum so I display the double dotted (umlaut) version in bold to indicate that instead of 2 dots on top of the body of the vowel it should be 2 "apostrophes".]
Dear John and Vladimir,
I am happy to see interest in the Hungarian Greek Catholic versions of greetings and prayers. I am actually Hungarian (and Greek Catholic) so please allow me to share the proper current text with the correct spelling, following Deacon El's excellent list (
sorry if the English version is incorrect, it's just to indicate which greeting is shown):
Glory (be) to Jesus Christ! - Glory to Him for ever!
�s�g J�zus Krisztusnak! - Dics
�s�g mind�r�kk�!
Christ is born! - Glorify Him!
Krisztus sz�letik! - Dics
Merry Christmas!
Boldog Kar�csonyt!
Christ is risen! - Indeed/Truly He is risen!
Felt�madt Krisztus! - Val�ban felt�madt!
Krisztus felt�madt! - Val�ban felt�madt!
The Lord's prayer:
Mi Aty�nk, aki a mennyekben vagy, /
szenteltess�k meg a te neved! /
J�jj�n el a te orsz�god! /
Legyen meg a te akaratod, /
amint a mennyben, �gy a f�ld�n is! /
Mindennapi kenyer�nket add meg nek�nk ma, /
�s bocs�sd meg v�tkeinket, /
mik�ppen mi is megbocs�tunk az ellen�nk v�tkez
�knek! /
�s ne v�gy minket k�s�rt�sbe, /
de szabad�ts meg a gonoszt�l!
Mert tied az orsz�g, a hatalom �s a dics
�s�g, Atya �s Fi� �s Szentl�lek, most �s mindenkor �s �r�kk�n-�r�kk�.
Note that the translation of the Lord's prayer has been updated so now both Roman (Latin) and Greek Catholics, as well as the separated brethren, say the same variant in Hungary. Deacon El's version seems to be closer to the traditional Hungarian Greek Catholic version which we used to pray when I was a kid (in the 70's-80's).
As for the pronunciation: on the one hand it is easy because Hungarian is fully phonetic, i.e. once you learn to pronounce the Hungarian alphabet you can read without understanding the words (what we say is what we write). On the other hand, the difficulty is the 44-letter-long alphabet / "sound library" itself: we have a few tricky vowels (e.g. �,
�, �) and consonants (e.g. ty, gy, ny, etc. ((yes, those letter combinations,
di-graphs, count as a single letter))). I recommend the wiki page for learning more:
Hungarian alphabet (Wikipedia) [
en.wikipedia.org] .
And of course I am happy to answer any further questions / help with related issues. Just send me a PM.
God bless!