I find it tedious that some topics such as the Orthodox approval of birth control and the Orthodox ordination of deaconesses continue to come up again & again. I am sure others can think of similar topics that have been discussed repeatedly.
Is there any way that the administrators could provide a section with links to past discussions/ threads on topics like this?
I think it would be very helpful to new members to the forum and help older members from re-posting their previous answers.
Such actions by the administrators would be greatly appreciated and I am sure of help to new members.
I've been a member of this forum since 2000 (I had another name at the time that I do not recall...I know..it says 2002 on my date). I think you will find that there are a number of topics that make their way into the forum from time to time (filioque, papal infallibility, contraception, marriage and divorce, the Immaculate Conception, original sin, married priesthood, homosexuality, etc etc etc). If we were to simply reference previous threads where these issues were answered (and are they ever really fully answered to everyone's satisfaction?) the whole forum would be rendered mute!
Plus, if the purpose of the forum is to help us to dialog on issues, it is useful to have them come up from time to time to learn different perspectives and, if you will, different ways of arguing or clarifying positions. Not all of the discussions are new, but I have over the years picked up certain nuances that I had not known on both sides of the various issues. Not to mention the fact that we always have new members who ask questions.
Your suggestion is a good one, and I can tell you it has been made on numerous occasions over the years. My hunch (and this is just a guess) is that the administrators do not have time to categorize all of the earlier topics, so you will have to rely upon the main folders and the search engine.
Of course, if it irritates you that certain topics keep coming up, simply don't read or respond. None of us are compelled to be here. For myself, I very much enjoy the stimulating conversation and virtual fellowship, even when I disagree with others.
My two cents...