From this point on, the “Books” section will become a sub-forum of the Faith & Worship forum. The administrators have evaluated the traffic and utilization of each of the general forum sections, and this section has generated the least interest in the three years of its existence. There were five non-Faith & Worship related single post threads that have been moved to the Town Hall section. The remaining threads and posts will comprise this new sub-forum.
Alice, Theophan, and Father Deacon Ed will be the moderators now for this sub-forum since it rests in the domain of Faith and Worship.
All posters are reminded of the rules for properly utilizing this section:
Discuss specific books only. One thread per book. Thread title should be in the format of "Author's Name: Book Title". This is not a general inquiry forum section as to where to obtain certain books or sell them.
Any other posts regarding books, such as inquiries should be posted in the appropriate forum section as outlined in Theophan's post above.
Father Anthony+