along with that and the post you quoted, let me add something.
Neo-Orthodoxy was a response to Liberalism, a school of theological tthought that died after the first World War.Neo-Orthodox theologians (like Barth) reintitued the idea of Sin (not sins, but Sin, and they were right on target, read Niebuhr's "Moral Man Immoral Society"). HOWEVER, whereas Liberalism discounted the Incarnation (as real Christians know it), along with other Christological teachings, they also discounted miracles, etc. but maintaining that they did not happen in concrete History, but on another plane, the supernatural, they did. so, Santa Claus may not be a historical fact, but on the plane of the supernatural, Santa exists. Just like the Resurrection happened on another plane, and it does not matter if Jesus really rose from the dead on a historical plane, just as long as he subjectively rose in your heart. our Bible, our faith, everything is a subjective opinion and therefore myth for us. a few years ago, I heard one prof of Neo-Orthodoxy (which passed on in the late sixties, but their purveyors conveniently do not notice that HISTORICAL fact)say to a class of adults that he still believed the myhts because it was something he wanted to live for. hindsight being what it is, I wish I asked him if he was willing to die for those myths if a Saracen held a blade at his throat, or say that all those myths were a pile of !@#$, and he'll recite the Shahada or anything else to save his life.
Much Love,