Also, does anyone know if the following is in print:
the sermon of St. John Chrysostom on Matthew 25: 31-46 ?
It is when St. John described the two altars of the Eucharist, the one in the church building and the other being the neighbor (especially the poor).
I have looked online, but I could not find that exact sermon. Also, I looked on St. Vladimir's Press collection of sermons by him "On Wealth and Poverty," but those are sermons on the parable of Lazarus, not Matthew 21:31-46.
Any leads would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
I found what I was looking for --for
free-- at EWTN's massive online library of patristic texts at .
The specific sermon I was looking for is Homily 50 on the Gospel of St. Matthew, section 4. Updating the language to modern usage, it reads:
"Would you honor the body of Christ? Do not neglect Him when He is naked [...] For He that said, 'This is My Body' [...] also said "Whatsoever you did not do to the least of these, that you did not do to Me. [...] For what is the profit when His table is is full of golden cups but He Himself is hungry? [...] And what is the proft if you furnish His table with golden cloths but you do not give Him the most necessary clothing?"As Metropolitan Kallistos Ware reminded us in Detroit on Monday 18 February, St. John Chrysostom told us that there are two altars of Christ: the altar in the church building and the altar of how we treat the neighbor, especially the poor.
-- John