IN the service of Holy Crowning, the wedding rings are placed on the right hand. I know of many Orthodox who say that is the hand which the wedding ring should be worn on.
IN the Eastern CAtholic Churches, what is our real tradition? Right or left hand? I know that Saint Elias in Brampton includes in thier service for Holy Crowning the part usually cropped out. We do not have this prayer in the Melkite Service:
Blessing at the Putting on of the Rings
"LORD our God, you accompanied the servant of the patriarch Abraham when he was sent to Mesopotamia to choose a wife for his lord, Isaac. By means of a sign, the drawing of water from a well, you showed him that he should betroth Rebecca. Bless this betrothal of your servants and make the Word they have spoken a reality....
"Sustain them with the Holy Union that comes from you, for you make male and female from the beginning and you are the One who matches a wife to her husband...
"And so, LORD our God, who extended your faithfulness to your inheritance...your Chosen Ones in every generation, look with kindness upon your servants and make good their pledge in trust, concern, fidelity, and love...
By a ring, power was given to Joseph in Egypt;
By a ring, Daniel was exalted in the land of Babylon;
By a ring, Tamar's innocence was proven;
By a ring, our heavenly Father showed compassion for his (prodigal) son...
"Your own right hand, LORD, armed Moses in the Red Sea. And just as your faithful Word established the heavens and made the earths foundations firm, so too will your mighty Word and your uplifted arm bless the right hands of your servants....
"O Master, with a blessing from heaven bless now this putting on of rings. And may your Angel go before your servants all the days of their life...
Holy Crowning []
Here is the Melkite Service:
Melkite Holy Crowning []
Why not? What is the tradition and why? Thanks.