So my best stab is my original reply post - you address a question to the bishops, you do just as well to write to them.
What will that prove? This is probably the only church that does things without an explanation. Usually, minutes of meetings, conferences, and public forums are held and documented, thus leaving a paper trail documenting where and who the request to adopt inclusive language came from. Do you really think your bishops will answer my letters on this topic? I highly doubt it. One bishop even went so far as to say (and the only one who said ANYthing on this subject) that it was not up for debate.
For the sake of the members of the Byzantine Catholic church, your chief shepherds should do what chief shepherds do - teach. Yes, they should teach their people WHY they adopted inclusive language into their worship and what is their theology behind it. Private letters? What I see is a bushel basket theology that leaves everyone guessing where the light is.
Damned if they do. Damned if I don't. Pretty much just damned any way you slice it I guess.
You write questions addressed to the bishops but say it would be pointless to write them. Who is to address it authoritatively otherwise?
Ed we know there are problems. They confront us in the empty pews and are conspicuous in the missing generation and family and neighbors of the parishes we attend each and every Sunday. Some of us are also a great deal more pragmatic in our realism about the roots of these problems. The RDL may not be helping, but their were problems - even bigger than you can see - well before. A lot of things are coming to a head right now.
You are free - speech being what it is - to characterize Father David as "hiding". I think that a nasty and invective term and charge. I know Father David personally - I lived down the hall from the man at a formative time in my life when I was in the seminary, he deserves better even when we disagree with him, but lately any stick will do.
So we may have to agree to disagree - I will let you rage on in your search for justice for your family members who have been hurt. I am growing more cautious and careful about what I say - the opinions of an ex-seminarian who has sat on parish council and enthusiastically returned to his church after a few years of hedonism are surely not worth much.
The ironic thing is, that one would almost be forced to conclude that I like the changes because I don't vocally and prolifically hate them on here. I am largely not a fan - the timing was inooprtune, the expense seem difficult to justify, the distinction it puts between us and other Greek Catholics doesn't seem wise in the face of a near certain future wherein closer collaboration will become the norm.
On the other hand, it is still Catholic, it is still home, my sins still get forgiven when I go to confession, it is still the joy of the Eucharist when I receive.
So in the face of all this uncertainty with the future and what it holds, as one on the inside I would appreciate it if it would be possible to tone down some of the certitude, damnations, condemnations of specific clergy and even - if possible - the starting of new topics expressly for (as far as I can tell) rhetorical combat of the bishops.
(On that last point again, Ed, why are you openly addressing the bishops here? bishops you won't even write yourself? All we are left with is the presumption this is a rhetorical device, and it is difficult to escape that it is a provacative one at that. Truly no one can answer you.)
So I apologize openly and clearly to you if I have failed to demonstrate compassion and more openess to understanding the pain your family members have gone through. If you find some of this confrontational approach cathartic, I can do that for you and try to be more understanding.
I would go so far as to say that your contributions here are most welcome in a real way as you are proving a useful and worthy ideological ally to the Administrator who shares in your distaste for certain directions our good church has taken.
If you could in turn reach out to me and those of us who nowadays are more largely keeping silent or no longer coming around... Those of us who are chosing to take a different track in dealing with these and other problems, who sometimes just don't see eye to eye and share in your perspective from your position of what some of those problems are...
Well, it would be appreciated. During Holy Week, it would probably also be especially appropriate.
I am taking the rest of the week off. I hope you have a blessed Holy Week (if this is the period you celebrate it) wherever you are and with whomever you share it.
Pray for us.