Could you describe this catechism?
Your question leads me to believe I was too loose with the term "catechism." I don't mean to imply we're using the official "Catechism of the Catholic Church," rather it is grade appropriate religious education material for Eastern Rite Catholics published by God With Us Publications. It was put together in cooperation by "the Ruthenian Metropolia of Pittsburgh, the Ukrainian Metropolia of Philadelphia, and the Melkite Eparchy of Newton" and is meant for all Byzantine Catholics. The differences among them not emphasized, but when specific prayers are used, each appropriate version is given in the teacher's manual.
For example, words for "We Have Seen the True Light," are listed five different ways, as used in "The Melkite Greek Catholic Church," "The Romanian Greek Catholic Diocese of Canton," "The Ruthenian Byzantine Catholic Metropolitan Province," "The Ukrainian Catholic Diocese of Saint Josaphat," and "The Ukrainian Catholic Synod."
I really like it because I grew up "Ruthenian" and while I knew of the others, didn't know how the prayers differed . . .
Of course (I probably shouldn't go here) this leads me to question the issue of the RDL being divisive among Byzantines . . . wording was different among the five listed even before the RDL, as the text was copyrighted in 2004.