C. I. X.
�Semantics", we don�t see the forest for the trees. Every church is suffering because the boob tube society sees America successful TV program after program without the benefit of a church, any church. Yes once a year REBA or an African � American comedy might make it to a church, but who would really believe America�s success without a reason for the Christmas shopping season? Let�s get back to our own picture. First I must commend the Byzantine Forum, it gets BC, CROGC, OCA, UGC, UO, and more together with little blood shed. In reality the above mentioned alphabet soup came over on the same boat, they just marched under different flags, many of whose colors look the same to others.
Back to the subject by visiting another �thread�� In # 3 Parish Life and Evangelization�s MISSION=ORIENTED VS ETHNIC CHURCHES. I believe we determined there were not a � dozen affiliations but a trinity of styles. There is the mission oriented towards evangelization and ecumenism, the ethnic snuggled with mysticism and romance (mystery) and a third the foreign language parishes dealing with ongoing assimilation and issues of self - esteem and dignity of those perceiving themselves as second class citicens. Some parishes are a mix of two and a few a combanation of all three. Some of our churches are three parishes in one building offering a schedule of diverse services and activities.
We cannot stop here without visiting on # 3 VOCATION CRISES. Some parishes are run by a priest who knows his flock and delegate responsibilities while others are despots who just take without question or reason. Bachelor, monastic, married, second profession clergy all have their own baggage. Other parishes have Church Boards / Committees / Councils / Trustees which are mere honorary figureheads, others smart business managers and yet another with stubborn self - agenda pains in everyone�s seat. No matter which one a parish has they will probably tell you the grass is greener on the other side. Checks and balances with incentives will probably cure most temporal ailments.
Why stop here, in # 4 East � N � West�s CAN ONE REALLY BE EAST & WEST SPIRITUALITY with the exception of those shooting from the hip (Father David, I am at the top of that list) there is little argument between Eastern Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy over important things. Colors, vestment cuts, beards, seating and scheduling yes. Like they say in these parts, �If you want to know what is Orthodox just ask the Greek Catholics, they may not do it but they spend hours arguing it�.
Unfortunately most leaders like saints are only declared so after their death, during their life they were usually considered stumbling blocks or block heads. So who will read for us the writing on the wall, not as complaints but in positive possibilities for improvement? This may require a # 13 self help magazine chapter. The mission oriented could call it �WWJD� (What would Jesus do?) and teach us how to deal with spirituality that has been warped by the reformation or distorted by materialistic political correctness. While they are at it which Wesley or Neal (who do you think pioneered the English translation of the Eastern Church?) hymns would be appropriate at the beginning or end of our ritual services, so ex � protestant spouses will feel welcomed, or would that make us Uniats?. What is the expected American standard operating procedures? The ethnic parishes could call it �Martha, Martha�� (Luck 10 : 41) and tell us how to present ancient customs like Holy Supper in a new way
http://www.ukraivin.com/ or shop for this vegan experience requiring only microwave worming with little preparation that includes chips and Christmas folklore. How about semi - homemade pascha bread using a bread machine while keeping the entombment incantations? Explain how to set the table on the feast of the beheading of St. John the Baptist without dishes, platters or knives and why. The foreign language contributors could call it BBC (Baba babchi skazala / Baba & granny conversing) or use something in Cyrillic or Slavonic as eye candy. They could help in translating passages or customs or stories. What we may see as chauvinistic Russian or they see as anti � American others may see as a quant customs whose Christian folklore did not survive the Soviet persecutions? Organic is as always the root here, not orchestration.
Well AMM, Byzantophile, EdHash, Serge Keleher, Simple Sinner, Two Lungs Ung � Certez and numerous others out there, "do - youes gyes" (inclusive language) think it�s time for productive brainstorming rather than support group therapy?
Forgive my pontificating. We do it so well, after all we possess an appropriate succession back to 1596, or was it 988, or was it 869, or was it 313, or was it 65...AD?.