Am looking for some feedback on this draft running sheet for the Divine Liturgy. The sample (with all correct information) is set up for Pentecost this year (new calendar):
11 May 2008 [] .
We are trying to assist our English-speaking clergy, choirs, and faithful in preparing for our liturgies--including learning the music.
If you have an alternate format which you think is clearer or more useful, I'd appreciate a copy.
All the variable parts of the liturgy are listed with their texts, and links to their music, if the respective parts are sung. (You may have to scroll down to see those parts with music.) All prayers are chosen according to the rules in our typikon and other liturgical books.
I hope to automate this shortly in English, and later in Arabic and Greek, so that such sheets are available for all feasts throughout the year; initially for the Divine Liturgy, later for Orthros, Vespers, and the Complines.
My questions:
- would this format be useful to you, in preparing the liturgies, as either celebrant or participant?
- is this useful to you when learning the music for the various parts?
- if the content is of interest, but you find the format confusing, can you suggest an alternative?