An apology offered to Etnick, Slavipodvizhnik, any & all converts to Orthodoxy, and everyone who had to read my remark.
Brother Administrator has helped me to see and understand how hurtful it was for me to link to an Orthodox-run satirical site in this instance which I thought - at the time - would be recieved as a provacative but light hearted instance of demonstrating that a recent convert may not have a full appreciation of the breadth and depth of an ancient and highly varied tradition. I was so wrong. It was not recieved in such a fashion at all, apparently.
This was really underscored for me as I was helped to realize the regrettable and hurtful way it was recieved when the Administator himself noted that my rude remarks have evinced complaints from all ends of the spectrum and that I was owing an apology to "Etnick, Slavipodvizhnik, any & all converts to Orthodoxy, and everyone who had to read my remark."
So if you can find it in your heart to forgive me, a sinner, brothers and sisters for having caused anguish and offense to all of the brothers and sisters mentioned above, I would be most grateful. I certainly appreciate and understand what anguish and sadness, frustration and annoyance can be conveyed in this media, and to think that my comment and link caused more of the same just makes me sad and ashamed. I know I would hate to see this venerable forum where opinions are offered in a respectful manner and all views are given consideration sullied by even the perception of insult and rudeness.