This question is for Orthodox and Byzantine Catholics only (or I should say that I am looking for Eastern Orthodox Material only).
My wife recently gave birth to our first child and we would like to start a habit of doing daily devotions surrounding or enlightened by a Scripture passage. I know we could just use the Church calendar as a structural guide but in the past when I have used that I often was left with a "uh... Okay.. yup... there's that..." kind of feeling. I would like something eastern that would spur healthy reflection/discussion among my wife and I (and eventually our son/kids as we grow older)... what as a lutheran we called "devotionals". However, I don't just want something where we just talk abuot our feelings. I want to be guided by the Church. The OSB doesn't really do it for me at all as it's not really meant for that.
Well, I am babbling. If anyone has any books they could reccomend, articles or just general advise, that would be great.
Thanks a lot!
PS: I am also not looking for anything pricy... like the 20 dollar range (give or take 5 bucks). Of course I would love the fancy schmancy stuff, but I don't have the money for it. I actually want to keep this simple and short (like 10 min a day kind of thing). Thanks again!