Lebanese priest's dream for spreading holiness becoming a reality
BEIRUT, Lebanon (CNS) -- Father Antonio el Feghali is realizing a dream. Working only with donated funds and the intercession of Mary and a Capuchin Franciscan priest who will be beatified June 22, Father el Feghali is transforming a mountain in the Chouf region near Beirut into a place of prayer and conversion. The money has come from many small donors and a few large contributors after he sought the help of Mary and Father Jacques Haddad, the Capuchin Franciscan who will be beatified in ceremonies in Martyr Square in the Lebanese capital. The project involves the restoration of a small building in the village of Deir el-Kamar, where a 60-foot-high cross was erected by Father Haddad in 1932. The cross towers above the summit of the 3,000-foot mountain. Since January 2008 Father el Feghali, a Maronite priest who is assistant pastor of Our Lady of the Hill Parish in Deir el-Kamar, felt "a great call from Father Yaacoub" to transform the building into the first church in the world dedicated to the Lebanese Capuchin.