I wouldn't characterize all Ukrainian Orthodox that way. Many are ex-UGCC, and are more latinized than I am...
Really, because I haven't met them yet. I am also cradle Ukrainian Orthodox and my family is from Volynia(post WW2)
The Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada has no interest in "double unity" with Ukrainian Catholics.
All our hierarchy has its roots in cradle Orthodoxy either in Bukovyna (Arch. Yrij, Metr. Ivan and the late Metr. Wasyly. Both Archb. Yurij and Metr. Ivan were born in Canada. The rest of our past hierarchy had their roots in Volynia and knew first hand the oppression by Polish Roman Catholics in the inter-war period.
It is true that in 1918 when our church was founded the maroity of the founders were former Ukrainian Catholics but in the inter-war period with serious immigration from Bukovynia and especially from Volynia that changed. The post-World War2 immigration brought more cradle Ukrainian Orthodox.
We had a quartely annual meeting at church on Sunday to elect delegates to our extraordinary Sobor which will celebrate the 90 anniversary of the founding of our church.
Trust me no one was talking about "double unity" with the Ukrainian Catholics.
I do know that many of Ukrainian Orthodox resent Ukrainian Catholics putting words in our mouth. We are Orthodox by birth and we choose to remain Orthodox.