HLM falls into the same category as Medj, Vassula, Bayside, and a variety of others. I note that the letters of "approbation and support" include, (in addition to the one that Dave exposed):
Gabriel Gonsum Ganaka, reposed Archbishop of Jos, Nigeria, who (in 1/1999 when the letter is dated) was under treatment for an illness that would cause his death before the end of that year.
Bishop Roman Danylak, well-known to many here as the controversial Emeritus Apostolic Administrator of the UGCC Eparchy of Toronto.
Edward D. O'Connor C.S.C., a Congregation of the Holy Cross priest, from Notre Dame, who has a history of a favorable outlook toward controversial visionaries and took a dim view a while back of a negative investigation conducted into one such claimant in the Diocese of Harrisburg.
Reverend Frank Kenney S.M., ST.D., former Doctor of Marian Theology, CUA, (now at U of Dayton, I believe) is spiritual director to the reputed visionary and claims a personal healing through the HLM ministry.
Rev. Albert J. Hebert, S.M., is, for lack of a better term, an "apparitionist". He has written extensively on apparitions - approved and unapproved - without much distinction between the two that I can see.
Josyp Terelya, another name familiar to many here, is himself a purported visionary.
I can't say I'm overwhelmed. Frankly, the disapproval by the local Ordinary is more telling in my opinion.
Many years,