I can understand that if one does not believe in the sanctity of someone under consideration for canonization by the Church, one would not pray for their intercession. And David, I like yourself, would not think to ask Mother Teresa for heavenly intervention. But this is a matter of one's personal beliefs. As I am sure you are aware, many Catholics hold her in very high regard, and some even hold her to be a saint. From my reading, it would appear that Mother Teresa did much more good than harm, and I just don't see evidence of profiteering on her part. Expressing such mean spirited words in regards to someone that your friends and co-posters hold dear, without making any point other than you just don't like her, strikes me as being just a tad harsh. There are many Ukrainian Catholics that do not hold the Royal Martyrs of Russia in very high regard, but I have never heard anyone refer to them in derogatory terms. So unless there is some point that you are trying to make as to why she should not be revered, why stir the pot of animosity?
Well stated and admirably charitable and balanced.
Thank you.