Hello all! It's been a long time since I've posted here. My wife and I are at long last moving in together for the first time in our ten months of marriage (our priest friends joke about the fact that thankfully we did it backwards compared to most people our age in secular society)!
We're in central-west Los Angeles, and are looking for a parish to call home. I'm an organist employed at a protestant church on Sundays, so we're looking for an Eastern Catholic parish that offers the Divine Liturgy on Saturday evenings. A poster at another forum pointed out that the cathedral in Sherman Oaks offers liturgy on Saturday
mornings, but because we're canonical Romans we are obligated to attend the Eucharistic Sacrifice in the evening.
I know that the concept isn't strictly Byzantine, but the parish in Spokane WA offered liturgy on Saturday evenings with Great Vespers. Even though my wife and I were usually the only people there aside from the priest and reader, it was one of the most wonderful parts of living there.
The parish websites here are mostly pretty awful, and some parishes don't even have one (that's one thing I'd be willing to help out with at the parish we do end up in), so I thought I'd ask here.
I hope I'm not sounding like some "Roman refugee." My wife and I
are painfully aware of the crisis of faith afflicting some of the Latin parishes here in Los Angeles (probably the most painful effect has been that nobody is looking for, much less wants, an organist), but we don't just want to run away from the problems and become passive observers in an Eastern parish.
If such a liturgy doesn't exist and there are other Byzcaths in the area who are interested in having access to one, perhaps we can form some sort of "stable group," to use a Roman term being thrown around a lot lately.
Thanks for your help!