Father Serge:
Father bless!!
May I respectfully suggest a change in your morning routine at breakfast?
Myself? I abstain from newspapers and TV in the morning while I break the fast. My wife is off to work earlier and it is one of the most pleasant times of my whole day--complete quiet; nothing and no one to "jangle" my nerves or my sensitivities. I can get all of the latter once I get to work. (And please don't take this to mean that I do not enjoy my wife's company. She rises much earlier and is off to work before I stir. We both enjoy our morning routine sans company. She, on the other hand, needs the TV and the newspaper.)
Asking for your blessing and continued holy prayers,
I think that alot of us like to be alone to our own peaceful 'routine' in the morning--I don't think that anyone who is close to or middle aged, and married many years, would misconstrue that! It is true that we 'get set in our ways'...as the old adage goes.
I do read bbcnews.com in the morning with coffee...and although this hideous article was on it, it was not given prime billing as American news sites do with their penchant for sensationalism--the more horrible or hideous, it seems, the better, and the more prominent.