I find it extremely interesting that many Western Christians fail to see the growth of "radicalist" Islam with the support and encouragement of the Western political forces. The Taliban came into power because of idiotic US government policies under Reagan and Bush Sr. Hussein came to Iraq with US support, even after massacring thousands. The West has interfered with both Christians and Muslims in the Middle East - as if they owned the land and the people, even going so far as to create conflict (ie India/Pakistan, Iran/Iraq, Syria/Lebanon, all dictatorships of Africa, etc). Are these "Christian atrocities" or atrocities committed by power hungry men using religion for their own agenda?
To claim that Islam and Christianity has never lived peacefully is total falsehood. In Palestine, Christians and Muslims live in peace - afraid of Israeli occupation. Christians lived peacefully with Muslims in Cordoba, Spain for centuries. Christians and Muslims live peacefully in India both in the past and now.
Peace can be achieved, but we must not succumb to propoganda - even when it comes from our side. The Falwells and Robertsons of the world have their own agenda which includes the destruction of Catholicism, Orthodoxy, Islam, and Judaism. These are just as bad as the secularists, maybe even worse in that they use God as a pawn in their games just as binLaden does.