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The Environment and Why Fasting Matters Now More than Ever
13 March 2009

[This is a blog that I'm re-posting here, in case anyone is interested in the link between fasting and fighting global climate change.]

The emergency meeting on climate change in Copenhagen, Denmark, concluded yesterday (12 March 2009) with the remarks of Lord Nicholas Stern of the U.K. He announced that climate change projections need to be revised for the worse. Instead of an increase in global temperature of 2 degrees Centigrade (2oC) by the end of this century, it now seems increasingly likely there will be a 5oC change by the end of the century. If that happens, the results would be catastrophic for water supplies and agriculture in many parts of the world. And that, in turn, would produce widespread migrations, conflicts and wars over resources. See and for more information.

The problem behind all of this is a consumption mindset. We are consuming too much --more than we need-- without trying to stay in equilibrium with our natural resources.

The solution, I suggest, is fasting. Fasting teaches us the discipline of self-denial and the benefits too: better health, slimmer waistlines, more self-control (which can be applied in a variety of settings) and, for the spiritually inclined, more awareness of and closeness to God.

Fasting also has an economic effect which, in turn, could affect climate change for the better. If people are not consuming as much food --especially if they are not consuming as much meat-- there is less economic demand for producing more meat.

Much of the present climate change is caused by our (human) production of carbon into the atmosphere. The carbon in the air absorbs heat from sunshine. That heat, in turn heats upon the world. It is the greenhouse effect, and it results in global warming. Primarily, out production of carbon into the atmosphere is caused by burning fossil fuels: such coal and gasoline and diesel.

However, climate change is also caused by cutting down the forests which remove carbon from the air. The trees "eat" the carbon in the air, turning it into wood. The result is less carbon in the air, which means less heat is stores in the air, which means less global warming. But, when the trees are cut down, the opposite occurs, and there ism more global warming. And that, in turn, results in more climate change.

The biggest reason for cutting down more trees is to produce more farm and ranch land for more food -- especially for more meat.

Hence, by cutting down on the demand for more food --especially cutting down on the demand for more meat-- we could reduce the demand for increased farm and ranch land. And that, in turn, would mean leaving more of the forests alone. That would mean more trees would remain to clean the air of excess carbon. And that, in turn, would result in less or slower climate change. For more information, see

For example, let's look at the results of fasting on beef production. More fasting means from beef would mean less pressure to produce more grazing lands for cattle. And that means fewer forests will be cut down. And that means more trees will be left to remove carbon from the atmosphere.

For another example, look at the results of fasting on chicken production. Most of chicken feed is made of grains. Less demand for chicken means less demand for grains. That, in turn, means less demand for converting forest lands into farms for producing grains. And, again, that means leaving more of Nature's mechanism for cleaning the air of excess carbon --the trees-- in place.

(By the way, where is this conversion of land from forest into farms or ranches occurring? It is occurring primarily in the rainforests of South America and Africa. The results, though, are poor farm and ranch land because the top soil is thin in rain forests. And that, ironically, can lead to increased pressure for more deforestation -- to make more marginally land available because the profit margins on the poor land are themselves so thin.)

Fasting also has a social effect that could be more powerful than any other benefit. Those who share the experience of fasting for a common cause find it to be a socially bonding experience. It creates solidarity. Imagine, then, the consciousness-raising solidarity that could come from fasting for the purpose of preserving the planet for future generations. Just by skipping meat for Lent, Advent, and on every Wednesday and Friday, Christians could help their souls and help the planet: just by keeping their ancient spiritual tradition.

Fasting would also likely produce a mindset that embraces penance, self-discipline, and self control as virtues -- instead of self-indulgence.

And that switch in mindset would mean a switch in economy. Instead of a consumption based mindset and economy, there could come an investment based mindset and economy. And *that* would do the most benefit overall in changing human behavior from climate destroying to climate preserving.

So often, environmentalism is dismissed as just another goofy liberal cause or just another toy of intellectual and social dilettantes. But climate change is real.

Climate change is a part of life.

And, we are making it worse by our own behavior: by our own lack of self-control.

With the cause identified, the solution can also be identified.

And the solution is to change our behavior through rediscovering self-control, starting with fasting.

These are the Four Noble Truths of climate change and how we --as individual, ordinary people-- can make a difference. We consume too much, because we give in to self-indulgence too much, by eating too much. So, to solve this problem, we need to cultivate self-control again. And the perfect place to start is by moderate fasting. After all, we all need to eat. And, in this part of the world, we all need to eat *less* -- especially less meat.

And so, if we who are Christians would revive our ancient tradition of moderate fasting --at least no meat during Lent, Advent, and on every Wednesday and Friday-- we would learn again by experience that penance saves. It not only would save our planet's ability to support civilization, but it would also help to save our souls: because it is self-denial for the purpose of self-control.

And that means, for Christians, at least no meat during Lent, Advent, and Wednesdays and Fridays. No, that isn't listed specifically in the Bible. But, it is what the Church figured out as workable by trial and error over the centuries. It was the norm for all Christians by the end of the first millennium. It remains officially the norm --although it is widely disregarded in practice-- in the Orthodox Church. The point is that fasting is part of the Christian heritage (going back all the way to Jesus: see Matthew 6: 16-23), and all Christians need to revive it today: to help save our souls as well as the planet.

We are not punished for our sins; we are punished by our sins. And if we do not learn to control ourselves and our choices, we will be controlled by the consequences. Regarding over-eating, that doesn't "just" mean diabetes and heart disease and other illnesses. It also means a very realistic possibility of a 5oC increase in global temperature by the end of this century -- and all the catastrophes that would produce. That is likely to happen *unless* we slow and stop that process now, by changing our behavior now, beginning by practicing moderate fasting.

Happy Fasting !

-- John

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Good points John. Thank you.

When I moved to my house 24 years ago, there were alot of little and not so little areas of undeveloped forested land around. Those mini forests are now gone and developed with houses. Deer, fox, coyote, and other wild animals have become disoriented because of this overdevelopment and we see them in our backyards now, whereas we did not then.

As for food, I am very happy to say that I cut down greatly on meat and the mindset that one needs meat when I was in my early twenties, had some post pregnancy pounds to shed, and took up the healthy eating mindset of the 1980's. Perhaps it was easy for me because my grandfather had a restaurant, and supplied us with so much steak when I was growing up, that I had it for dinner almost every night! (that may sound like a dream come true for many men, but for me, it just made me lose any excitement for steak, though once a year, I do not mind a piece of filet mignon which is the only cut I now like, because it was the only cut we didn't have for dinner when I was a child! LOL )...on the other hand, I do still admit to liking-- and even loving-- minced meat in recipes like bolognese pasta, Greek and Italian meatballs, lasagna, etc...

I recently read somewhere that red meat causes the most inflammation to the body of any food, which in turn leads it to be one of the major causes of all types of cancer. We don't often hear or read that, and I am sure it has something to do with the industry not wanting us to know that...

We Americans do have a major problem with food and we see that with the diseases which are on an upswing. I will not be self righteous, because I admit to indulging my sweet tooth here and there (last night I bought Oreo cookies because they are vegan and can tell you that I did not eat just two), but I can tell you that in Europe you are not *assaulted* by cakes, muffins, donuts, cookies, etc. at every glance of the eye, at every corner, and every entrance to a supermarket like you are in this country. Even in the largest supermarket chains like the French Carrefour (whose aisles rival, if not surpass, the largest supermarkets here), sugary foods are given a mere half aisle in the back. No assaults on the eye and no temptation anywhere else.

The amount of sugary cereals one encounters in U.S. supermarket aisles is absolutely intolerable. So, our food companies, in the name of profits are willingly destroying our health...and no amount of 'no transfats' on their lables can change that fact.

Anyway, I have digressed off topic... blush

I agree with you John, that abstaining from meat for fasting periods (and even beyond) is a very good thing in many, many ways... and I am glad that it helps the environment as well as the body and the soul!

Now here is a question, why does it seem that women have an easier time doing that than men? Is it conditioning, or is it that meat just simply fills up a large appetite much more than any other food?


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Thank you, Alice, for your reply and for your interesting points and observations. I especially liked the one about out of sight, out of mind and the European groceries. I know that when I have sweets or junk food around, I have a much harder time resisting . . . and often don't.

Why is fasting easier for women than men? I hadn't noticed that it is, honestly. Do you see a gender difference in it? Iwould be curious to know.

Be well.

-- John

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I'm not refuting any of this, but over the years, I've heard the debates of margarine v. butter, the evils of fish and shellfish, sugar and splenda will kill you, the red meat thing, the evils of MSG, the Atkins/carb phase, it doesn't end.

Everything in moderation.

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I support the need for Fasting and reducing consumption but the whole global warming thing is bunk. It is a pseudo-religion designed to spread socialism. The claims are not supported by sound science. The projections are all nothing more then guesses.

Former astronaut Harrison Schmitt, who walked on the moon, once served New Mexico in the US Senate, does not believe that humans are causing global warming. 'I don't think the human effect is significant, compared to the natural effect.' He's among 70 skeptics scheduled to speak next month at the International Conference on Climate Change in New York. Harrison Schmitt contends that scientists are being intimidated if they disagree with the idea that burning fossil fuels has increased carbon dioxide levels.

The Earth has not been warming since 1998, and this year -- last year, this year -- is colder than the previous year. It's cooling. This is not anecdotal. It's scientific supported by temperature research surveys. We are actually cooling -- and, of course, every day we have the newspapers, magazines, the first thing you hear when you turn on the news: "It got worse today. The news today was even worse than experts expected." Whatever it is, the crisis is ongoing.

Reuters has a headline: "Global Warming Seen Worse than Predicted." We are cooling! We're having record cold temperatures in over two-thirds of the country and throughout Northern Hemisphere this winter! Reuters says, "The climate is heating up far faster than scientists had predicted, spurred by sharp increases in greenhouse gas emissions from developing countries like China and India, a top climate scientist said on Saturday." This guy's name is Field.

Field said 'the actual trajectory of climate change is more serious' than any of the climate predictions in the IPCC's fourth assessment report called 'Climate Change 2007.' ... 'We now have data showing that from 2000 to 2007, greenhouse gas emissions increased far more rapidly than we expected...' Well, now, what should the story, then, be? If between 2000 and 2007 greenhouse gases increased far more than expected and the temperature is going down, what should we conclude? That greenhouse gases lead to cooling! China's freezing, too. China's not going through any warming.

Then there's this, from "Bill Clinton Fears 'Climate Will Crater and We Won't Be Able to Preserve Civilization.'" Now, Clinton used to always think that Al Gore was a little nutty on this climate stuff, and now Clinton has picked it up? "Bill Clinton Fears 'Climate Will Crater and We Won't Be Able to Preserve Civilization'"? What do you think this is all about, folks? This is nothing more... In fact, the socialist ‘stimulus bill’ was sold and presented to you identically to the way global warming has been. Everything's a crisis! Everything's an emergency! There's no truth to anything that's being said about all this, be it global warming or what the ‘stimulus package’ is going to do. It's a disaster, and it's all designed to get you to agree to pay higher taxes down the road and allow the socialists to gain ground.

It's all about surrendering freedom and advanced lifestyles, because those are the things said to be responsible for the destruction of the Earth via the warming climate. And people want to matter. It's a natural aspect of the human condition. People want to be important. They want to matter. So some demagogue comes along and says, "You can save the planet by whatever," that's when you get people doing insane things like suggesting only one square of toilet paper per session -- and that came from noted and brilliant climatologist, Sheryl Crow.

Read the Background Material:

• NewsBusters: 'Climate Scientist' Ratchets Up Global Warming Alarmism in Face of Record Cold Weather -

• FOXNews: Ex-Astronaut: Global Warming Is Bunk,2933,493624,00.html

• Reuters: Global Warming Seen Worse Than Predicted

• BM: Bill Clinton Fears 'Climate Will Crater and We Won't Be Able To Preserve Civilization'

If you are honest and look at the science you will see it does not support the claims for global warming.

Please make the case for fasting and good Christian living based on Holy Tradition. When people find out that the science pushed by the global warming crowd is bunk they will not believe what you say about Jesus, either.

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I agree with Helen's post wholeheartedly.

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I believe that everything should be done in moderation. I believe that we were commanded by God to care for the World because God created it not because some "kook" told us the sky is falling.
I have also been around long enough to have gone through many of the "this is bad for you" and "this is good for you" flip flops. What is good today is bad tomorrow has become a joke to many of us.
Fasting and only using what you need are good things for body, soul and the environment. I just don't buy into the "sky is falling" propaganda.

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Catholic Gyoza
Catholic Gyoza
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Originally Posted by Subdeacon Borislav
I agree with Helen's post wholeheartedly.


My Orthodox doppelganger, don't you know that Global Warming causes Global Cooling? wink

Your Catholic Twin,

Dr. Eric

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