Hi David ....
Well, since I have so little experience in Orthodoxy of any sort, I'm not sure I'm even qualified. I had been on a spiritual journey of sorts for about 10 years, reading, seeking ... all of this reading made me realize, sadly for the first time, that there was a whole lot of history I never knew about the church! And .... very big chunks of history ... like the time between Luther and Christ????? I know this sounds ridiculous, but in all my years as a Christian - since 1968 - I do not believe I ever heard any of the early church fathers referred to or spoken about. Up until a few years ago, as far as I knew .... they "just weren't." Well, as I continued reading, I recognized that the ancient church went directly back to Catholicism, so I began reading and studying in that direction ... there were a few major things in their belief system that I just could not grasp, believe, take in (whatever you want to call it), so I basically decided that there was "no place for me" and would stay in my Lutheran Church and be content. Well, it was not 3 weeks afterwards that I read a small ad in my local newspaper stating, "are you interested in the ancient Christian church? If so, come to a meeting ....." and then it gave the day and time. It intrigued me and figuring I had nothing to lose, I went. Well, there were 3 Priests there, who in the brief 2 hours they had, unfolded the true history of Christ's Church ... what was Orthodoxy? how was it different from R.C.? And, that brought it right to me .... they had "added nothing" which I felt R.C. had, and they had "taken nothing away" which I then realized all my other churches had. I was totally overwhelmed, realizing that God had placed me right where I needed to be. At the end of the 2 hours, they invited anyone who wanted to take Catechism Classes, without any obligation of joining, to come up front. Well, without hesitation, I did that along with 90% of the others in that room. We were prayed over, "blown on" (which I had no idea what it was for) and the classes started the next week.
David, I don't know what to say except that I knew, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that this was God's handing me His Church and inviting me to become a part of it.
So, coming back around to your question, my experience has been one of absolute reverent awe at the tradition, the worshipfulness, the complete sense of God's Holiness, and one of the biggest ... the absolute reverential handling of the Eucharist ... it's a rare Mass where I do not shed a tear or two during the breaking of the Bread and Wine. So, for me, it is Home ... grateful? To be sure. Surprised? Yes, but I guess I should not be. I realize now how earnestly I'd been seeking, and God answered.
Praises his Glorious and Holy Name,