I adapted the following from the Canon for Dead Warriors
appended to the Panikhida Service in Hapgood.
I will pour out my petition unto the Lord, and unto Him will I confide my grief. For my soul is filled with sorrow, and
my life hath drawn nigh unto Hell; and like unto Jonah will I pray: lead Thou me forth from corruption, O God.
If we have sinned, O God, against the commandment which Thou gavest us, and have become subject unto death,
nevertheless do Thou, the God who didst descend into the grave, and hast raised up thence the souls of all ages,
revive us not into torment, but unto rest. Those who have died for Thy Holy Church cry unto Thee through us, O Thou who art full
of mercy.
Glory to the Father....
We entreat Thee O Father who art from everlasting, and O Son and O Holy Spirit, reject Thou not into the abyss of Hell the
souls of those who were infected by the plague of the soul-attainting world, and now are come unto Thee, the Creator,
O God our Savior.
Now and ever...
From Heaven did Christ our God descend upon thee, O Most Pure One, like the dew upon the fleece, slaking the thirst of
all the world, and drying up every godless water-spring, and flooding the whole world with His wisdom, O Ever-Virgin One,
Entreat thou Him that unto the souls of thy servants who have suffered death He will give rest.
Repeat: "I will pour out my petition..."
They who have finished their course, and have fled for refuge unto Thee, O Lord, and have suffered, now cry aloud unto Thee,
pardon our iniquities O Christ our God, and condemn not, when Thou shalt come to judge all men, us who with faith have
cried unto Thee: O all ye works of the Lord, praise ye the Lord and magnify Him forevermore.
Establish Thou, O Lord, those who have borne upon their shoulders, though it be not always, Thy yoke and Thy burden which
are light. Yea, in the place of Thy saints, establish Thou the souls of those who sing praises unto Thee, O Christ our God: ye children,
bless, ye priests sing praises, ye people, magnify forevermore.
Let us bless the Lord, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
O Holy Trinity, Who art from everlasting, God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, in the company of the blessed number Thou the souls of
Thy servants who have suffered, and deliver them from fire eternal, that they may laud Thee, and sing praises unto Thee forever. Ye children bless,
ye priests sing praises, ye people magnify forevermore.
Now and ever....
The company of the prophets foretold thee, O Virgin: for beholding thee with vision perspicacious, one called thee the Sceptre,
another the Door of the East, another the Mount Uncloven of Man. And we, also, confess thee to be the Mother of the Lord, who
hast borne the God of all men. Beseech thou Him that unto those who have suffered in all ages He will give rest.
O Jesus, God and Savior, Thou didst take upon Thee Adam's sin, and didst taste of death, that Thou mightest deliver men therefrom,
O Compassionate One. For which cause we beseech Thee, O Merciful One: In the courts of Thy saints give rest unto those that
have suffered, in that Thou art gracious: for Thou only art good, and lovest mankind.
There are none among men who sinneth not, O Compassionate One, save only Thee, O Jesus Christ, who takes away
the sins of the whole world. Wherefore, after that Thou hast purged thy servants from their iniquities, establish Thou them in
the courts of Thy saints: for Thou art the Life, the Rest, and the Light, and the Joy of all who are well-pleasing in Thy sight