"From a purely scientific point of view, there could have been a Big Bang with or without God." You are correct scientists say that - from a purely scientific point of view. But of course from a purely scientific point of view there is no God...
That is not what I said.
From a purely scientific point of view, honest scientists cannot tell you whether there is a God or not.
Because natural sciences are not the right tool to answer that question either way.
There can be scientists from any religious affiliation (including "none" for true atheists) and they can all be good scientists and do good science.
Now there are quite a few dishonest atheist scientists who want to press their atheist agenda using science. They have the (God-given!) right to be atheists and freely present and defend their ideas, but they should not try to hijack science to advance their position about God.
On our side of the fence, we have a few of those too: Those who, with a misguided (IMHO) religious zeal, want to push their theological views hijacking science to do that.
Both science-hijackers are wrong in acting like that.