Interested in participating in a distance learning graduate program in Orthodox Christian theology?
The Antiochian House of Studies is acccepting applications to their distance learning St. Stephen's Course in Orthodox Theology. this program offers a three-year Diploma in Orthodox Christian Studies and, for those who desire an accredited graduate degree, an MA in Applied Orthodox Theology through an additional year of study and the completion of a capstone (accredited through the St. John of Damascus Theological Institute of the University of Balamand in Lebanon).
The program is delivered almost completely through distance learning, with a one week residency requirement per year at the Antiochian Village.
The course of studies is as follows:
Unit 1
- Fundamentals of Orthodoxy
- Church History 1
- Liturgical Theology 1
Unit 2
- Church History 2
- Holy Scripture 1
- Field Ministerial Project 1
Unit 3
- Liturgical Theology 3
- Holy Scripture 2
- Patristics
Unit 4
- Holy Scripture 3
- Doctrine 1
- Field Ministerial Project 2
Unit 5
- Doctrine 2
- Canon Law
- Pastoral Theology 1
Unit 6
- Pastoral Theology 2
- Spirituality
- Field Ministerial Project 3
Research Component for the M.A. Program
Unit 7
- Guided Research
Unit 8
- Research Paper Composition
Two units of study are completed each year (October to February and March to July). If you start the program this year, your first class will be in October. You will need to attend the three, one-week residencies over the course of the program (I believe they take place in late August, early September at the Antiochian Village). The instructors for the program include such well known names as Frs Jospeh Allen, Najim, Tarazi, Antypas and Dr. Paul Meyendorff. The list of texts reads like a catalog from SVS and Light and Life!
The costs for the program are VERY reasonable Each unit costs only $375 (plus the cost of books). There is a $700 tuition payment when (and if) you commence your capstone year, which brings the total cost for the program to around $3000 (including additional fees, except the residency). Tuition payments are made before you start each unit. Not bad for an MA!
The deadline for applications to the program is August 1st! N.B.: They are very strict about this deadline! If you have not as of yet received your application packet, you can contact the registrar, Father Deacon Peter Boulukos, through the Antiochian House of Studies at
A number of Byzcath members have already expressed interest in applying to the program and, as a result, our gracious Admin has agreed to set up a private forum (member access only) so that participants who desire to meet and discuss each module in a virtual environment may do so.
Father Anthony, one of our great virtual spiritual fathers here, has graciously agreed to help moderate the forum. The Admin has asked me to contact the Antiochian House of Studies to get their blessing for this effort. Typically they have been very supportive of learning groups within a cohort forming on their own, so my sense is that they will appreciate this opportunity, not just for us but for others who may be new to the forum and desire to participate. In my professional work in instructional design and delivery, my experience is that it will be a great help to participants as adult learners to dialogue in a virtual environment as they work through the content. Certainly this forum is condusive to dialogue and learning!
I also hope that this program may help Eastern Orthodox and Eastern Catholics draw closer to Christ and to each other through study and fellowship.
Here is the website link to the Antiochian House of Studies: Hope to see you there!
Remember the August 1st deadline!Gordo