Islam as a political movement can not be divrced long-term from Islam as a relgious organization. The Qu'ran essentially calls for deposing secular governments and imposing Sharia.
I do expect a violent Muslim uprising. Soon. In part, because Muslims advocate for it, and in part because it is supported by the Qu'ran. My friends have been predicting a 2010-2020 timeframe for a Muslim attempt to take over since the early 1990's.
A point I frequently make in sermons and in conversation,Our Saviour did command us to love our enemies,but He never said to go along with evil deeds committed by anyone!
Dont forget they are also busy fighting among themselves. Each of the 2 main groups has internal problems as to which stream (there are many) among them is the right way. One Mughal emperor had no problem in using Shia mosques to stable his horses when he expanded his empire to take over a Shia kingdom in central India. Muslims are not just aiming their anger at 'the west' but each other.
Those muslims in the "not-quite west", however, tended to set aside those differences just long enough to overthrow civil law, and then have turned upon each other.
History is pretty clear on that point. Libya, Nigeria, Iraq and Lebabnon all come to mind, as does Palestine.
That they are going to do likewise (or die trying) in the UK, US, and Canada is a highly probable outcome.
Islam is not a religion. It is a political movement pure and simple. If it were truely a religion we would not have had to mourn the death of many thousands around the world in the name of a supposed moslem God. If you sit and really think about what the moslems are doing, and how they are doing it... it sure looks as if the there god does not reign from heaven
Christ is in our midst!! He is and always will be!!
Unfortunately, Islam is both. The Qu'ran is very clear on this point. There is no separation of church/religion and civil government in their thought processes. The whole word "Islam" means "submission" and it is a submission to both their government and to their religion. You have only to read some of the research about their thought, their history with Christians and Jews, and their current practices toward the latter to see exactly where they stand. Take a look at this link. It will take you to a wealth of info about this religion and its intentions.
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