This has no particular relevance to our forum but, as Garrett recently reminded me, that's why we have Town Hall.
Sometimes, one reads a news story and is just overwhelmed by what is portrayed. (And gives a reminder to those of us who are parents how important it is to educate our children about what to do in an emergency situation.)
This is a news item about a 7 year old who, confronted by 3 armed home invaders, had the presence of mind to grab his younger sister and a telephone, lock themselves in the bathroom, and call 911 - clearly explaining what was happening.
And, about a 911 dispatcher who had the presence of mind to stay calm, take the child seriously, and get help to the family. (It's easy to say that was her job - and the vast majority of 911 dispatchers do it that well but, regretably, we most often hear of those who fail to act with such calm and dismiss this kind of call, with horrific consequences.)
May God bless and keep young Carlos and Dispatcher Monique Patino.
California Boy Who Called 911 []