A sure sign of spring: the first announcement of the 2010 Summer School of Liturgical Music.

This is a three-year program of intense study of Russian Orthodox Church music history, Typicon, vocal training and choir conducting, Slavonic, music theory, and liturgical performance practice.

In the words of my wife, a 2000 graduate of the program, this is "the boot camp of church music, set in the fresh green fields of New York State, amid golden domes and deep prayer."


To all lovers of Russian Orthodox Church music:

The 2010 session of the Summer School of Liturgical Music at Holy Trinity Seminary, Jordanville, New York, will be held from Sunday, July 4, to Saturday, July 17, 2010.

For more information you can access the website [sslm.hts.edu].

If you are a choir director, singer, reader or interested parishioner, this is an opportunity to immerse yourself for two weeks in Russian Orthodox Church music.

Wishing you profitable last weeks of Great Lent and a Glorious Pascha,


Archpriest Andre Papkov