Of the many extraordinary ministers I have known, having been one myself, I can say that most are completely sincere, heartily committed and grossly ignorant. The one hour of training includes, when to approach the altar, where to stand to receive communion, where to stand to dispense the consecrated host or wine, how to return the chalice to the alter of to take the cup to the table, how to return to ones pew. Extra content may include when to bow, when to make the sign of the cross and warnings against shaking hands and making up your own commentary when distributing the host or cup.
A most recent addition appears to be where to find the hand sanitizer and how to apply it in the most respectful manner.
This is pretty much the extent of the catechesis.
Having said that, what do we expect when the root of the problem is distributing communion to 1000 people in less than ten minutes. Keep in mind that even at their limited level of understanding, the extraordinary ministers are probably far more knowledgeable than the vast majority of the communicants whose main goals appear to be getting their share and getting to the parking lot before the last hymn is finished.
In general, the whole scene in these megaparishes has the solemnity of a supermarket checkout line. Sad, very sad.