The Patriarchal and Major Archepiscopal Churches already have procurators in Rome. Allow all Churches to have them, abolish the Oriental Congregation and replace it with an Assembly of Hierarchs of the Eastern Catholic Churches to meet every two years to discuss matters pertaining to us.
Greetings Father Deacon Lance,
It has been a long time. I hope all is well with you.
I have a question. If the Oriental Congregation were to be replaced as you suggest then what of those who fall into my case?
Specifically Canon 517 of the CCEO?
Canon 517
1. One is admitted validly to the novitiate of an order or congregation who has completed the seventeenth year of age. In respect to other requirements for admission to the novitiate cann. 448, 450, 452, and 454 shall be observed.
2. No one is admitted lawfully to the novitiate of a religious institute of another Church sui iuris without the permission of the Apostolic See, unless it is a candidate who is destined for a province or house, mentioned in can. 432, of the same Church.
Specifically I fall under 517 2. As you are aware, I am canonically a Byzantine Ruthenian Catholic, but I have entered the Order of Carmel which does not have a province or house within that sui juris Church, so I needed the approval of the Oriental Congregation for my novitiate to be valid.
How could we work this out?
I know many out there frown upon what I have done but that is not the point and not something I wish to entertain questions on.
Br David, O.Carm.