May all of you have a blessed and joyful Christmas, regardless of the Calendar which you keep.
With the shepherds of the hills,
the animals of the fields,
the Magi who came from the East,
and the Angels of the Heavens,
may you rejoice with the Theotokos
in Our Saviour's Birth,
In the Year before us, may we and all of ours
*Prosper, enjoy good health and each other,
*Realize our dreams and dream new ones,
*Love and be loved by all,
*Remember one another in prayer,
*Learn and practice charity and humility,
*Share ourselves with our brethren in Faith, on this Forum and in our Churches, our parishes, and our daily lives,
*Work together for reunion of our Churches which, despite the differences created by man, we love and know to be of God's people,
*Remember always that our beloved forebearers of thrice blessed memory suffered greatly that we and others might have the right to worship as we choose, and
*Pray for those of our Eastern and Oriental Catholic and Orthodox communities, and all other faiths, who still suffer and wait for freedoms that we take for granted.
In this coming year, I give special thanks to God for our brother and friend, John, who provides us this place where we can meet and speak with one another; as well, I pray for the other Administrators, especially Father Anthony, and for my fellow Moderators.
Prayers too, most particularly, for the Priests and Deacons of Churches both Catholic and Orthodox, Eastern, Oriental, and Western, as well as the Clergy of other Churches, who post here, all of whom enrich us with their knowledge, their example, their prayers, and their blessings.
Prayers also for:
those of my sisters and brothers here with whom I have special bonds of friendship, though most of us have never met, except through words, and might never be blessed to do so;
those of my sisters and brothers who contribute knowledge, talent, and thought to this forum, enriching and challenging us intellectually and spiritually, amusing us, praying with and for us, and affording us friendship and companionship,
those of my sisters and brothers whom we have not seen for long periods, whose presence and contributions we miss, and whom we trust and pray that God is keeping well;
those of my sisters and brothers who lurk and are unknown to us personally, but whom we trust and pray gain spiritual or practical benefit from the words they read here;
those of our sisters and brothers here, and those among their loved ones, who are suffering and ill, that they be cured of their afflictions be they physical, psychological, or spiritual;
those of our sisters and brothers here, and those of their loved ones, who are in need of work or who are in financial difficulty, that they be granted the favor of relief from their burdens;
those of our sisters and brothers here, and those of their loved ones, who are students, that they be granted success in their educational endeavors;
those of our sisters and brothers here, and those of their loved ones, who are discerning vocations, that they be guided by God to a decision that is best for their own spiritual well-being and His glory;
those of our sisters and brothers here, and those of their loved ones who are praying for spiritual direction in making choices related to the Church in which they will worship, that they be guided also by God to a decision that will assure their salvation and His glory;
those of our sisters and brothers here who have loved ones serving in the armed forces, that they be preserved from harm and returned to the arms of their loving families;
that this Forum continue to be a place where Eastern and Oriental Catholics and Orthodox, as well as their Latin and Protestant brethren who love the East or are curious about it, can meet and discuss the sameness and differences among our Churches in charity and respect, educate and be educated, and enjoy ourselves among friends, and,
that all who went before us in this year now past are at rest in that place of love and peace to which we all aspire.
And, for all of you,
May your years be many and blessed,
May the children of your grandchildren know you,
And, when your years are done,
May the Lord lead you by the hand
To a place where there is neither sorrow nor sighing, nor pain nor suffering, but only life everlasting, in His Sight and Love.
And, may Saint Nicholas, Saint Barbara, The Three Kings, Santa Claus, Saint Nick, Kris Kringle, Father Christmas, Pere Noel, Sinterklaas, Jules-Nissen, Grandfather Frost, Daidi na Nollag, Nikolo, Joulupukki, Hoteisho, Gaghant Baba, Mikulas, Babbo Natale, Bozicek, 'Agio Nikolaos, Svaty Miklas, Deda Mraz, Diado Coleda, Jultomten, Papa Noel, Ganesha, Dun Che Loa Ren, Kerstman, Gwiazdor, Dyed Mroz, La Befana, SnowMaiden, or whoever else drops down your chimney, be good to you and yours, regardless of the Calendar day on which he or she does so