The videos [
youtube.com] I created a couple years ago are linked from here with some regularity. I'm in a place where I can expand the project and I'm a little excited! I made a humble
web home [
yourwordfromthewise.blogspot.com] for it on blogger, so now I'm ready to get to work! For those not familiar with it, I am the proverbial curious cat, asking questions and having much to learn. I decided to document the answers I was getting from those who are much wiser than I am and put them online. I don't want to re-word or re-write or teach; I want to provide an avenue, a connection, so that we can all learn together straight from the experts. Then most of the video I took was lost in a hard drive crash, some major life events happened, and my 6 finished videos sat on YouTube without addition for years. Until now!

I'm going to be starting with posts and articles and branching out from there. I hope to get the written work built up enough to have enough for at least weekly content mostly managing itself and then I'll be able to start working on videos again. I'm thinking that it will take about 6 months to get to that point, but that's a guess.
I am fairly certain there is still a need for this type of information, but I'm a little out of the loop on what topics are of the most interest right now. If there are any requests for people or topics you'd like to see addressed, especially right now in written format, I could see what I could do about getting them done. I'd be grateful for any prayers and advice as I move forward!