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Dear brother Todd, St. Cyprian's revised edition of the text quoted above that makes clear that all bishops sit upon the Cathedra Petri, and not merely the bishop of Rome. Could you provide a link or direct quote of St. Cyprian for this statement? Thanks. Blessings, Marduk Sure, it is something I brought up in a post some time ago. Here is that post which includes bibliographical information pertinent to the discussion: You could maybe make argument for your position? I do not need to make an argument, because St. Cyprian made one more than 1700 years ago, for he spoke of the "cathedram Petri" without restricting it to the see of Rome, as Fr. Maurice Bevenot (S.J.) explained in the notes to his translation of St. Cyprian's treatise entitled, "The Unity of the Catholic Church." Here is what he said about St. Cyprian's use of the phrase chair of Peter: The whole context is against restricting the meaning to 'the see of Rome.' Cyprian's argument is based on the unicity of the origin (in Peter) of the Church and authority alike. The one authority was perpetuated in the legitimate succession of the bishops, and to break with one's bishop was to break with the one, Christ-established, authority, that is, the 'Chair of Peter.' [ACW, volume25, page 104] As St. Cyprian himself said, "The authority of the bishops forms a unity, of which each holds his part in its totality. And the Church forms a unity, however far she spreads and multiplies by the progeny of her fecundity; just as the sun's rays are many, yet the light is one, and a tree's branches are many, yet the strength deriving from its sturdy root is one. So too, though many streams flow from a single spring, though its multiplicity seems scattered abroad by the copiousness of its welling waters, yet their oneness abides by reason of their starting point." [ACW, volume 25, pages 47-48] Thus, each bishop possesses the fullness of Episcopal orders, just as the persons of the Trinity possess simultaneously the whole Godhead; and in this multiplicity in unity, and unity in multiplicity, no bishop is over any other bishop, but all are sacramentally equal. It is important that we not interpret St. Cyprian in an anachronistic fashion by reading Vatican I back into his treatise; after all, it is now know that he revised his book on the Church in order to specifically avoid the idea that the bishop of Rome had a unique succession from St. Peter.
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Dear brother Militantsparrow, Stewart, Thank you. This is good information. With these facts in mind, how do you account for the papacy as it is today? If the papacy kind of evolved into what it is due to the example of the emperor, and there really wasn't a papacy as we know it for the first few centuries, why are you Catholic?
Based on the facts you've put forward, it seems the Orthodox view of the papacy is much more in line with those first few centuries then the view of Catholics. Why not Orthodox? Despite appearances on other issues, brother Stuart and I generally agree on the state of the Church before the marriage of Church and State in the fourth century. I would just like to add brother Stuart's intelligent assessment that before the notion of jurisdiction came about, Rome's universal solicitude was realized through auctoritas. And there are many examples of this universal solicitude before the fourth century - e.g., the disciplinary epistle of Pope St. Clement to the Church in Corinth; the fact that the Church in Rome often helped many Churches financially; the fact that St. Polycarp travelled all the way from Asia to Rome to discuss the matter of Easter with Pope St. Anicetus; the fact that Pope St. Dionysius of Alexandria accepted correction from Pope St. Dionysius of Rome on a matter of doctrine; etc. In fact, the first truly universal act in the early Church was not the First Ecumenical Council. The first truly universal act was the discussion of the Easter issue during the time of Pope St. Victor. Pope St. Victor had sent out an encyclical letter to all the Churches of the world instructing them to hold local Synods on the matter of the date of Easter. And the local Synods sent legates back to Rome to report the results of their Synods. I think brother Stuart would agree that this was not a matter of potestas, but a matter of auctoritas. The Church of Rome and her bishop did possess great universal authority based on the respect and honor. But the Bishop of Rome was (and is) not above correction, as the later events surrounding the Easter controversy evince. The difference between the universal authority of Rome then, and the universal authority of Rome now is the amount of centralization that has occurred over the centuries. There are many in the Latin Church who believe that the bishop of Rome is the be all and end all of every form of authority in the Church. Eastern and Oriental Catholics (as well as many Latin Catholics) don't accept such an Absolutist Petrine view, but believe collegiality is both the standard of early Church, as well as the real teaching of the Catholic Church. Now, there are those who think that the Catholic Church must deny the teachings of the Vatican Councils on the papacy in order to realize a truly patristic ideal. To do this, they sometimes end up distorting the teaching of the Vatican Councils to defend their position. Granted - it seems they are justified because there are many Latins who distort the taeching of the Vatican Councils to support an exaggerated Absolutist Petrine view of the papacy (as you well know since you follow the debates I have with the Absolutist Petrine advocates at CAF). On the other hand, there are those believe the teachings of the Vatican Councils are fully patristic, and that the problem is that they have simply not been fully realized in the Catholic Church yet. I can't speak for Eastern clergy, but I have heard that their usual complaint is that the Decrees of Vatican 2 have not yet been fully implemented with respect to the rights of the non-Latin Churches. So many Easterns do believe that the groudwork for reform already exist in the doctrine of the Catholic Church. Blessings, Marduk I agree that Rome had universal solicitude, but that position was granted to it by the Churches and is not a divinely revealed truth. That said, it is vital to avoid any conception of papal solicitude that would turn the bishop of Rome into a super bishop with power over other bishops. Finally, it must also be made absolutely clear that the bishop of Rome is not the sole successor of St. Peter; instead, it is the whole episcopate that perpetuates the petrine ministry in the Church, because the bishops in general are successors of all the Apostles, which necessarily includes St. Peter.
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In his Epistle 54 to Pope St. Cornelius regarding the heretics, he wrote: "[the heretics] still dare to set sail and to bear letters from schismatic and profane persons to the throne of Peter and to the chief Church whence priestly unity takes its source; and not to consider that these were the Romans whose faith as praised in the preaching of the Apostles, to whom faithlessness could have no access."
Note his explicit admission that the Church in Rome had a faith - according to Scripture - to whom "faithlessness could have no access." Infallibility admitted by St. Cyprian! Sorry but that is not an affirmation of infallibility. You certainly do like anachronistic readings of ancient texts. Besides, it is foolish to try and defend the idea that the bishop of Rome has never erred, when it is an historical fact that several popes have been heretics. Even Pope Adrian VI admitted that to be the case. It's unfortunate that he did not remain faithful to his own preaching, and opposed the Bishop of Rome on the matter of the Baptism of the Novatians. But I'm sure he was in heaven blushing as he witnessed an Ecumenical Council affirm the orthodoxy of Pope St. Stephen's position in opposition to his own - the Second Ecumenical Council accepted the validity of the Baptism of the Novatians. I see nothing unfortunate about St. Cyprian's revising his opinion on the issue of authority within the Church, when it is clear that he was simply maintaining the tradition of his Church against the encroachment upon its theological independence by Pope Stephen. St. Cyprian held that Pope Stephen was in error on the issue of heretical baptism, and this altered his views about the importance of Rome in defending orthodoxy. I think St. Cyprian was right in revising his book on the unity of the Church, and the revised text is theologically the better for it. By the way, the Ecumenical Councils did not give a blanket definition on the validity or invalidity of heretical baptism; instead, the matter was always left for bishops to decide on a case by case basis as a matter of economy - as even a cursory reading of the Pedalion reveals. The Augustinian sacramentology of the West has never had any influence in the East. Just trying to keep things historically honest.  P.S. - I should point out that Fr. Maurice Bevenot, the translator of St. Cyprian's treatise on The Unity of the Catholic Church, holds that St. Cyprian was not really altering his position in the revised text; instead, he was simply making it more explicit that he was not restricting the petrine ministry or the Cathedram Petri to the bishop of Rome.
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Perhapsthe whole problem stems from the fact that the Emperor DID get involved in the Church, and the wedding of Church and State began.
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It seems to me the assumption of imperial authority, ambitions and temporal concerns has and does plague the church; whether that's Constantine's fault or not I don't know. I certainly see it in Rome, Moscow and Constantinople.
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It seems to me the assumption of imperial authority, ambitions and temporal concerns has and does plague the church; whether that's Constantine's fault or not I don't know. I certainly see it in Rome, Moscow and Constantinople. I agree.
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Dear brother Todd, Sure, it is something I brought up in a post some time ago. Here is that post which includes bibliographical information pertinent to the discussion: I am not really interested in interpretations. I am interested in a direct quote from St. Cyprian which states what you say it does. I am aware that St. Cyprian explicitly states that "all the Apostles were what Peter was" even while admitting the uniqueness of St. Peter for the sake of the unity of the Church. What I am looking for is a direct statement from St. Cyprian which states "all the bishops are successors to Peter." Currently, it seems to me that your view is based on a mere extrapolation of the evidence, not a direct reading: (1) "All the Apostles were what St. Peter was." Agreed that St. Cyprian stated this. (2) "The bishops are the successors of the Apostles." Agreed that St. Cyprian stated this. (3) "Therefore, all bishops are successors of St. Peter." An illogical conclusion that has yet to be proven to have actually been stated by St. Cyprian. It is important that we not interpret St. Cyprian in an anachronistic fashion by reading Vatican I back into his treatise; after all, it is now know that he revised his book on the Church in order to specifically avoid the idea that the bishop of Rome had a unique succession from St. Peter. We're trying to get to the meat of the matter with direct quotes from St. Cyprian, which you have failed to provide. All you have provided are mere interpretations. The Catholic understanding that St. Cyprian viewed "Rome as the source of priestly unity" is not an anachronism because he actually and explicitly stated it. As it stands, it is your interpretation that seems to be the anachronism. Blessings, Marduk
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Dear brother Todd, In his Epistle 54 to Pope St. Cornelius regarding the heretics, he wrote: "[the heretics] still dare to set sail and to bear letters from schismatic and profane persons to the throne of Peter and to the chief Church whence priestly unity takes its source; and not to consider that these were the Romans whose faith as praised in the preaching of the Apostles, to whom faithlessness could have no access."
Note his explicit admission that the Church in Rome had a faith - according to Scripture - to whom "faithlessness could have no access." Infallibility admitted by St. Cyprian! Sorry but that is not an affirmation of infallibility. You certainly do like anachronistic readings of ancient texts. You make this statement because you apparently misunderstand what infallibility is. The object of infallibility is not the private belief of Popes. The object of infallibility is the public belief and teaching of the Church. As St. Cyprian explicitly states (affirmed by the Decree on Infallibility), it is the faith of the Church of Rome that is invioble. It is a public faith, not a private belief. Besides, it is foolish to try and defend the idea that the bishop of Rome has never erred, when it is an historical fact that several popes have been heretics. Even Pope Adrian VI admitted that to be the case. Can you please direct me to the quote from Pope Adrian? If it is in this thread, just say so, and I will look for it. Otherwise, can you give me a link (if it's not too much trouble)? Thanks. It's unfortunate that he did not remain faithful to his own preaching, and opposed the Bishop of Rome on the matter of the Baptism of the Novatians. But I'm sure he was in heaven blushing as he witnessed an Ecumenical Council affirm the orthodoxy of Pope St. Stephen's position in opposition to his own - the Second Ecumenical Council accepted the validity of the Baptism of the Novatians. I see nothing unfortunate about St. Cyprian's revising his opinion on the issue of authority within the Church, when it is clear that he was simply maintaining the tradition of his Church against the encroachment upon its theological independence by Pope Stephen. St. Cyprian held that Pope Stephen was in error on the issue of heretical baptism, and this altered his views about the importance of Rome in defending orthodoxy. I think St. Cyprian was right in revising his book on the unity of the Church, and the revised text is theologically the better for it. Well, if St. Cyprian was wrong on the issue of heretical baptism, then we must conclude that he was wrong in his subsequent view on Rome if he based his view on Rome on his erroneous view of heretical baptism. By the way, the Ecumenical Councils did not give a blanket definition on the validity or invalidity of heretical baptism; instead, the matter was always left for bishops to decide on a case by case basis as a matter of economy - as even a cursory reading of the Pedalion reveals. Except that St. Cyprian did, and not only the baptism of heretics, but also the baptism of schismatics. So St. Cyprian was generally wrong. On the other hand, Pope St. Stephen qualified his teaching in that he stated that only those who Baptize in the Names of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit have valid baptism. So while Pope St. Stephen did not give a blanket approval of heretical baptism, St. Cyprian gave a blanket rejection of all baptism outside the Catholic Church, of the baptism of both heretics and schismatics. In any case, I am not familiar with the Pedalion. When I discuss this matter, the opposing view normally only cites St. Basil to demonstrate that it was a matter of local governance (e.g., some regions accepted the baptism of Novatians, other regions did not). But St. Basil wrote on the matter about a decade before the Second Ecumenical Council. I trust you will agree that the authority of an Ecumenical Council settled the issue. Just trying to keep things historically honest.  Though we often disagree, I've never attempted to divine the state of your mind or soul. I always go into a discussion or debate believing that the other person is sincere and honest about what they believe based on their personal knowledge. P.S. - I should point out that Fr. Maurice Bevenot, the translator of St. Cyprian's treatise on The Unity of the Catholic Church, holds that St. Cyprian was not really altering his position in the revised text; instead, he was simply making it more explicit that he was not restricting the petrine ministry or the Cathedram Petri to the bishop of Rome. As stated, his interperations do not interest me. I am interested in direct quotes from St. Cyprian. Blessings, Marduk
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As stated, his interperations do not interest me. I am interested in direct quotes from St. Cyprian. Which allows you to cherry pick the ones that support your position. That's not an objective approach.
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As stated, his interperations do not interest me. I am interested in direct quotes from St. Cyprian. Which allows you to cherry pick the ones that support your position. That's not an objective approach. So I merely ask for direct evidence, but that is a bad thing according to brother Stuart. Gotcha! Blessings, Marduk
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The direct evidence is in the quotation of Cyprian. However, as there are several different variants of On the Unity of the Church, one must, unless one happens to be a patristic scholar or paleographer, defer to the experts in those fields to decide upon the provenance of the different variants and which one should have priority.
You want to be able to pick the version that supports your interpretation, not the one that scholars agree is representative of Cyprian's thought.
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Here is one text from a translation of St. Cyprian of Carthage's The Unity of the Church which was published by Catholic University of America back in the 1950s. It can be downloaded from the Internet Archive here [ archive.org]. You can read the entire translation in PDF here [ ia700401.us.archive.org] or the particular translation of Chapter 4 online here [ archive.org]. Essentially, this text reads in this version: If anyone considers and examines these things, there is no need of a lengthy discussion and arguments. Proof for faith is easy in a brief statement of the truth.
The Lord speaks to Peter:
‘I say to you,’ He says, ‘you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. And I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; and whatever you shall bind on earth shall be bound also in heaven, and whatever you shall loose on earth shall be loosed also in heaven.’ (Matthew 16:18,19)
Upon him, being one, He builds His Church, and although after His resurrection He bestows equal power upon all the Apostles, and says: ‘As the Father has sent me, I also send you. Receive the Holy Spirit: if you forgive the sins of anyone, they will be forgiven him; if you retain the sins of anyone, they will be retained,’ (John 20:21-23) yet that He might display unity, He established by His authority the origin of the same unity as beginning from one.
Surely the rest of the Apostles also were that which Peter was, endowed with an equal partnership of office and of power, but the beginning proceeds from unity, that the Church of Christ may be shown to be one.
This one Church, also, the Holy Spirit in the Canticle of Canticles designates in the person of the Lord and says: ‘One is my dove, my perfect one is but one, she is the only one of her mother, the chosen one of her that bore her.’ (Canticles 6:8)
Does he who does not hold this unity think that he holds the faith? Does he who strives against the Church and resists her think that he is in the Church, when too the blessed Apostle Paul teaches this same thing and sets forth the sacrament of unity saying: ‘One body and one Spirit, one hope of your calling, one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God’? (Cf. Eph: 4:4-6) I might add that I found these comments by Fr. Laurent Cleenewerck [ books.google.com] regarding St. Cyprian's words helpful, reading from pages 81-84 of his book His Broken Body.
Last edited by DTBrown; 02/04/11 03:07 AM.
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The direct evidence is in the quotation of Cyprian. However, as there are several different variants of On the Unity of the Church, one must, unless one happens to be a patristic scholar or paleographer, defer to the experts in those fields to decide upon the provenance of the different variants and which one should have priority.
You want to be able to pick the version that supports your interpretation, not the one that scholars agree is representative of Cyprian's thought. No amount of your rhetoric will hold a candle to direct evidence. Just give me the direct evidence. That will settle the issue. Blessings, Marduk
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Dear brother DTBrown, Thank you so much for the text. In fact, I do have that text available to me. It's just I was not sure if it was the early version or the later version of St. Cyprian's De Unitate. Your link to Fr. Cleenewerck helped settle it for me (I have the later version), and I thank you for that. So I guess it is true that St. Cyprian never in fact stated that "all the Apostles are successors of St. Peter." This is simply an interpretation non-Catholics have imposed on the existing text of St. Cyprian. But we do have him affirming both that St. Peter is the source of unity for the Apostles (in his later version of De Unitate) as well as that the Church in Rome is the source of unity for the Catholic Church (in his Epistle to Pope St. Cornelius). Unless we want to accuse St. Cyprian of a thoroughly petty personality, I have to assume that, despite his disagreements with Rome, he never changed his mind on the idea of the preeminence of the Church of Rome, both in its role as the source of unity, and its infallibility in Faith. So how do we explain his disagreement with Pope St. Stephen? Well, I've often come across the notion - never from Catholics, but always from non-Catholics - that to St. Cyprian the issue of rebaptizing heretics (and the general issue regarding the lapsi) was not an issue of Faith, but an issue of discipline to be left to the decision of local Churches. Unity, to St. Cyprian, was measured in terms of unity in Faith, not unity in discipline. So it would be consistent of him to resist Rome on the matter while still believing that Rome had a Faith "to which faithlessness could have no access" and to which all must be united. He did, after all, die at peace with the Church of Rome. Both St. Cyprian's actions and his contextual teaching pose no problem for the High Petrine view. St. Cyprian's actions do not support the Absolutist Petrine view, but his contextual teaching (without the benefit of reinterpretation) does; however, though St. Cyprian's actions do support the Low Petrine view, his contextual teaching (again, without the benefit of reinterpretation) does not. Blessings, Marduk