... Every week, I say this is the last time I'll hang out with him and I do it again because He seems that he has no one to hangout with and he always ask me if I'm doing anything this week. If I don't ask him to hangout with me then he gives me this guilt of why I didn't ask him to join me.
It sounds like this fellow has few friends for precisely this reason. It's good that you're willing to be his friend out of charity, but charity doesn't mean being a doormat. It sounds like he's manipulating you, and that's not good.
Have you ever confronted him about his negative sarcastic comments? Don't wait till he actually makes one. The time to confront him is when he wants to get together on the weekend. This way you can make it clear that such behavior won't be tolerated, and he will probably promise to comply. Then you need to have a plan for what to do when he breaks his promise, as he probably will. The key here is that now you're not just criticizing his behavior, but confronting him with his own violation of a promise: "I told you I wasn't going to put up with this, and you promised me you were OK with that."
It's also important that you don't put yourself in a position where you *can't* just walk away from him, if necessary (if he apologizes, that's great, but don't count on it). If you drove somewhere together and one of you will be left stranded, it will give him leverage to keep controlling you (the worst possible scenario would be that you had to apologize to him in order to get a ride home!).
Now, assuming all this happens, and you are able to walk away gracefully, he may very well try to use the incident as one more tool to control you--after all, from his perspective *you* were the hothead who walked out on him for *no* reason! At this point, you have to make it clear that he owes you an apology, not the other way around. Furthermore, he has to make it perfectly clear that he understands *why* you deserve an apology, as he will likely try to negotiate and make this a "both guilty" kind of scenario.
In all things, it is *very* important to remain as calm as possible; any agitation you display will increase his level of control (stated as one who has a hard time in this area!).
Naturally, I only know what you posted here, so some of what I said here may not be applicable. Let me know what you think.
Deacon Richard