I visited a ROCOR church earlier this year, and heard a melody which I thought was so beautiful I could not forget it-but, I never found out what it was called. I found this link, by a miracle, where it is sung just as I heard it:
Could anyone PLEASE tell me what particular Tone/Singing Style this particular piece is?
It is the Irmos of Ode 9 of the Canon of Holy Saturday (also sung at Nadhrobne/Paschal Midnight Office). In the Kyivan (amd by extension Galician) and Russian traditions it is normally sung in Tone 6 Znamenny or "Lesser Znamenny" settings. These melodies are not only used at this time but for other irmosi of other canons in the same tone. Each particular musical tradition has these melodies contained in a volume called the "Irmologion".
In the Greek tradition a completely different set of irmosi melodies are used. This text has also been set to some choral renditions as well.
It is a "Irmos tone" not used for sticheri, troparia, kontakia, etc. It is easy to sing and learn the harmonization.
I would also like to raise another point out of love for our Church. Let's not refer to "from Galadza's church," as a previous poster referred, but either Father Galadza's church or Saint Elias Church, Brampton. What we may do in private is one thing, but on a public board, let be classy and proper. :-)
I cannot thank you all enough! Also, does anyone know of a website where they have different Russian/Kyivan Tones available to listen to, to help those who cannot read music to learn to sing? Many thanks & God Bless!
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