If you are like me, when you see these headlines everyday of gruesome and unfathomable actions and murders within families, your heart and soul grieve.
Personally, I believe these sudden and unspeakable acts are forms of demon possession. Here is the story of St. Marcella of Chios who, many centuries ago, suffered a similar gruesome fate at the demonic intent and action of her own father.
My grandmother, of blessed memory, was born on the island of Chios, so I know that until this very day, each year, on the feast day of St. Marcella, at the shrine of her gruesome martyrdom, a miracle occurs. Also, many are the stories, up until today, of her appearance to people of the island, helping them, comforting them, and performing miracles for them. My grandmother saw her in a dream, when my uncle was suffering as a little boy with pleurisy in the 1930's, when there were no medications to help him and it was feared he would die. She told my grandmother in a dream, not to worry and that the boy would live and be fine. That boy is now 72 years old!