Just wondering...It's been about four months since the study texts were posted. What kind of responses are you getting?
Are there any updates or news to share?
The response has been tremendously positive! I have been utterly amazed at the wonderful comments from the clergy (including bishops) and laity, including both Byzantine Catholic and Orthodox. A small number of priests (outside the Ruthenian Church) are even using the texts (which really helps the review process).
The most positive and encouraging response to date has been from officials in Rome (I had sent them copies of the Study Texts). The thank you letter commented that they were received with "great pleasure" and offered best wishes for the "ministry".
This, of course, changes nothing in the Ruthenian Church of Pittsburgh, where the RDL remains the official text. Yet it does offer a bit of hope that the RDL might be short lived, and might be replaced with texts and rubrics that are more authentic. Perhaps the next Metropolitan of Pittsburgh will lean Byzantine, and lead the Ruthenian Church in rediscovering the jewel of its own liturgical tradition. Please continue to pray daily for the Ruthenian Church.