Dear Friends,
I have a few relatives who happen to be "Lutherans of the Ukrainian Rite"

One "High Church" Lutheran German pastor sent me a copy of their prayerbook that has the above liturgical services and more.
They were formed prior to World War II in Galicia as some sort of "protest" movement against Rome and came from the UGCC! In other words, Lutherans did not "missionize" them.
Yes, there was always a German Lutheran colony in Ukraine (I once met a fellow from there) and this is the source for the Ukrainian word for "Protestant church" which is "Kirkha." (It is also the source for the Ukrainian word for "orange" or "Apelsina" - "Chinese apple" and also for "sandwich" or "butterbrot!")
The liturgy itself follows the Byzantine liturgy closely, being careful to delete references to the Mother of God and the Saints. Even the Filioque is placed in brackets as well!
However, the number of ektenias is reduced (the Protestant protest against "vain repetition" no doubt) and then the Lutheran public confession of sins and reference to the Lord's Supper is brought in that totally destroys the harmony of the Liturgy up to that point.
"I am sorry" is a VERY bad translaton of the Ukrainian Lutheran original - do you think they sent their English texts to anyone in the BCC for review?
They also use icons, three-Bar Crosses (which Evangelical missionaries there have also adopted), Byzantine-style vestments and incense.
In fact, they are following the established precedent in all this made by their historic leaders, like Mikael Agricola of Finland.
He especially believed that since the outward symbols weren't that important, the Lutherans should leave them in place as much as possible so that the people wouldn't "feel" the changes in a drastic way.
This is why when Scandinavian Lutherans came to America, they were also the object of discrimination by the Evangelical American mainstream who looked upon their "Romish style" with suspicion.
(Here in Toronto there is a High Anglican parish whose priest, at one time, suffered abuse and even Salvation Army members would throw dead chickens at his front doorstep!)
There is also a Ukrainian Methodist Church, again comprised of former Orthodox and UGCCers.
Some of my relatives have "tried out" these other denominations - but have ultimately come back to the one true Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church . . .
Two relatives who were Orthodox decided to become EC's after the Pope's visit to Ukraine and are now studying for the UGCC priesthood.
So, in short, my family isn't blessed with any sort of strong backbone, when one comes right down to it . . .
Which is why, I guess, I leave here in a huff whenever I feel offended . . .
It only lasts for a little while though . . .
And I always come back for more . . .
Hope no one minds too much . . .