I have added to my posted parish resources for the Phillipian fast. The Phillipian fast is the traditional 40 day fasting period before the Nativity of Our Lord that begins November 15th. This takes its name from the feast of St. Phillip that occurs on November 14th.
There is a new three part bulletin series "Messiah: The Prophetic Message On The Coming Of Christ" posted. As with the previous resources these are in PDF formatted as a folded four page insert. All these resources are offered free to use of parish or educational purposes.
New Messiah Series
http://puluka.com/home/Liturgy/phillipianfastmessiah.htmlPreviously posted material related to the Phillipian Fast and Nativity of Our Lord
The Purpose of the Phillipian Fast
http://puluka.com/home/Liturgy/PurposePhillipianFast.htmlThe six part "Winter Pascha" Bulliten Series
http://puluka.com/home/Liturgy/WinterPascha.htmlChristmas Eve Holy Supper: A family gathering on the eve of Christ's Nativity
http://puluka.com/home/Liturgy/holysupper.htmlSteve Puluka
MA, Theology Duquesne University
Cantor Holy Ghost Church
Carpatho-Rusyn tradition
Mckees Rocks, PA