Slava Isusu Christu!
Dear Forum members:
I am going to apply to the Byzantine Catholic Seminary of SS. Cyril and Methodius for the MA in Byzantine Catholic Theology and want to know if any of you have any tips for me as an applicant and someone who will be potentially moving from Florida to Pittsburgh.
I will be graduating with my Bachelor's of Arts in Theological Studies from St. Joseph's College of Maine, and have taken extensive courses in Religious Studies and Theology (over 90 credits), mostly Latin/Western/Protestant/Biblical theology with one course in Eastern Catholic Theology and Worship and one in Russian Orthodoxy in Southeast Alaska.
Also does the Seminary offer federal financial aid/stafford loans, etc to assist with the cost of tuition, fees, off campus room/board transportation?
Any helpful tips and pointers would be much appreciated.
In the Theotokos,
Robert Horwath
Last edited by Robert Horvath; 02/05/12 05:41 PM.