Not quite, I think. Greek was the initial liturgical language of the area. Syriac took over for quite some time; evidence of it exists until beyond the 11th century, perhaps as late as the 15th century in some areas. Some of the older liturgical books/scrolls that we use to determine feasts, etc., are still in Syriac.
From Syriac it was an easy move to Arabic (a related language), although most of the movement officially went back to Greek. Arabic become more and more widespread in usage throughout the 17th century, and in fact was one of the pain points causing the eventual rift between what are now the Melkite Greek-Catholic and the Antiochian Orthodox Churches.
The Antiochian Orthodox Church finally made Arabic its main liturgical language only in 1898! It had struggled under the Greek (and seen as "foreign") influence of Constantinople until then.