I've been reading about the orthodox/byzantine idea of an organic church as Christ's Body (with Christ as the head of church/body). As I understand it this drives the eastern spirituality that priest without a congregation cannot have DL (as opposed to RC priests that can have them in private). This also recognized that a member's sins not only affects others on a materially level but also affects the church body in an "unseen" spiritual way.
In light of this organic body how does this apply to Jesus's words in Luke 9:50/Mark 9:40 "whoever is not against us is with us" and our Protestant brothers? It seems to me that in some respects (some)Protestants EC & Orthodox (and RC?) are all part of the same body. Perhaps they are like the left hand of a right-handed person -- it's not as strong and not as controlled. There may be some Protestant sects that are more like a paralyzed arm that has blood pumping through it but no feeling or use. No disparagement meant here.
Can someone flesh this out a little for me?