I've heard that the Akathist to Mary is one, and the Paraklisis, and maybe the morning and evening prayers (not sure there)... but are there any others? I know some here might not like the question, but I have to ask.
Section 23 (pages 82-92) of the
Manual of Indulgences [
usccbpublishing.org] contains the following prayers which carry an indulgence:
Byzantine:The Akathist
Evening Prayer (not to be confused with Vespers)
Prayer for the Deceased
Armenian:A Prayer of Thanksgiving for the Church
Chaldean:Prayer of the Sanctuary
The Prayer
"Lakhu Mara" (To You, O Lord)
Coptic:Prayer of Incense
Singing the Praises of Mary
Ethiopian:Prayers for the Forgiveness of Sins
A Prayer to be a Disciple of Christ
Maronite:A Prayer for the Church
A Prayer of Farewell After the Liturgy, Before Leaving the Church
Syro-Antiochian:Intercession for the Deceased from Liturgy of Saint James