The latest issue of Sophia. the Journal of the Eparchy of Newton of the Melkites, features an interview with Father Archimandrite Charles (Aboody), who on June 10, celebrated his 50th year of ordination - the first American-born priest ordained to the service of the Melkite Greek Catholic Church in the US. Father Charles, semi-retired of sorts, resides in VA where he assists at Holy Transfiguration Melkite Church in McLean.
Father Charles was assistant priest and spiritual director of the youth and young adult groups at Our Lady of the Annunciation Melkite Cathedral when I first met him in 1964 - my introduction to the Melkite clergy and Church. In the years since, Father has served faithfully and with distinction as pastor of Our Lady of Perpetual Help in Worcester (his home parish), as rector of the former St Gregory the Theologian Melkite Seminary, as rector of the Melkite Cathedral, and as pastor of St Ann's in No. Hollywood, before retiring for reasons of health.
Father Charles is a remarkable individual, a wonderfully spiritual and caring priest, and a dear friend. Please keep him in your prayers on this momentous occasion, that God may grant Father Archimandrite Charles many more years in His service.