It was on this very day in 1944 that Sr. Tarsykia Matskiv, SSMI, went to answer the door bell of the convent, thinking it was the priest coming to serve the Divine Liturgy.
But it wasn't. It wasn't the Fuller brush man. It wasn't Avon calling, either.
It was a young Soviet soldier who shot her to death the minute she opened the door. He later explained her had shot her "because she was a nun."
The postulatrix of her cause, Sr. Dominic Slawuta, SSMI (may her memory be eternal) kindly gave me a 1st. class relic of Bl. Tarsykia, which I greatly cherish.
She was beatified during the pastoral visit of Bl. Pope John Paul 2 to Ukraine, in 2001. She is liturgically comemmorated along with the rest of those beatified that day each year on June 27.
May we arrive at the fulness of salvation through her prayers.
Last edited by sielos ilgesys; 07/18/12 09:56 AM.