I have just been informed that one of my acquaintances, an 83-yr. old man named John Taylor, died suddenly and unexpectedly on the morning of July 25.
John was a lapsed Catholic. He received poor catechesis and bad example from some of his relatives and was actually sceptical to the point of hostility toward all religion.
We was quite wealthy, having spent many successful years in the antiques business.
Certain aspects of his lifestyle contradicted Catholic Church teaching on a certain subject but, since he had an eye for beauty, and since God is always searching for us even when we ignore Him, I feel optimistic that divine grace was given him in his last moments. I can only suspect it did him some good.
Please join us in prayer for the happy repose of his soul. At his request, no funeral services of any kind will take place. If anyone wishes, candles can be lit on his behalf and Masses/Divine Liturgies can be arranged for his soul. That would be a loving, charitable thing to do for him. Thank you for giving it your consideration.
Last edited by sielos ilgesys; 07/26/12 12:38 AM. Reason: kaint spel gud...