Some things are more important than high gas prices or a faltering economy. They are life, marriage and freedom. Will you vote the values that will stand the test of fire? Produced by: Watch the Evangelical version here: Visit for more details. Please share this video with your friends!
This stuff is melodramatic, politically inspired, nonsense designed to influence the outcome of the November elections, as far as I am concerned. Its message is pretty clear: vote Mitt Romney and walk out of the voting booth with a clean Christian conscience. Wait a minute! Mitt Romney was governor of Massachusetts when the Commonwealth became the first state to sanction, so called, gay marriages, and I think Ronald Reagan was the first sitting president to have been divorced, having laid aside his wife, Jane Wyman, years before he entered political life. But he certainly let us know about the importance of "family values" when he was in office. Dick Cheney's daughter? The point is that social change takes place no matter who is in office. I feel it is our responsibility to try to influence that change by the holy Christian lives we live. Perhaps we just need to get used to being "strangers in a strange" land.
The problem is no my how pious we may be we still as an obligation of citizenship have to vote. There is no doubt in my mind which candidate leans toward Christian principles and which one doesn't. It would be nice if we had a third viable option but it hasn't happen so far.
If voting was not part of responsible citizenship then we would have to try to influence the rulers in some other way. Perhaps we would have to do so like the Assyrians must do in Iraq or the Copts in Egypt.
I would add one other (VERY CONTROVERSIAL) comment to this discussion.
ABORTION and the HHS mandate are the NUMBER ONE issue to vote on in the 2012 Presidential election.
One candidate has vowed to get rid of Obamacare with it's taxpayer funded abortions and HHS mandates and the other is in full support of killing babies and allowing babies to kill babies (HHS mandate requires employers to provide abortion services - abortifactants - to any employee who menstruates)
As a Catholic / Orthodox / or Christian - there is no other vote to consider. No Socieal Justice program or other matter (or all the other issues combined can outweigh this ONE ISSUE)
Sorry if this offends Obama supporters but keep in mind that only you can do actions that give you full confidence in receivng the Eucharist without sin (supporting abortion - even if you justify it away is in my opinion SIN) AND you will stand before the awesome judgement seat of God to answer why you supported the slaughter of the innocents by voting for Pro Abort candidates and laws.
I am fully aware that I am the greatest of sinners (and that I too must stand before God to answer for all my B.S.) but I cannot condone or support PRO ABORT candidates and policies knowing that - aBORTION/ ABORTIFACTANTS AND THE HHS MANDATE - in and of itself is a grave sin and furthermore I know in my heart it is a sin and is wrong.
I am going to hold my nose, and vote for my S.O.B. instead of your S.O.B. That doesn't tell you which candidate I will vote for, but none of the above would be an improvement.
The website gives us a call to witness. I'm not sure how much a vote for Mr. Romney is a witness but I know what witness we would be giving for a vote for Obama. It says that faith in Christ doesn't mean squat.
AKA forum topic killer #1 - once I post - all activity ceases in a forum topic
You flatter yourself with your righteousness. Adultery and fornication are grave sins, too, but there have been no laws in this country against these activities for a long time. A president, whether pro-choice or not, has to uphold the law of the land, and the Supreme Court has ruled that state laws which limit abortions within a certain period of time are unconstitutional. Overturning this ruling, or passing a constitutional amendment, neither of which are likely to happen too soon, are the only avenues for changing this. A politician can rail against this all he wants to little avail. As far as the so called "mandate" of the Affordable Healthcare law is concerned, it is designed to guarantee that all workers receive all the healthcare they are entitled to under the law of the land. They are not meant to curtail the free exercise of the Catholic faith, but guarantee liberty to those non-believing workers who might work for Catholic institutions. My family health insurance policy happens to cover these services also. We do not use them; in which case we might sin if we did, but I certainly do not feel that I sin when I pay the premium for this policy, nor do I feel impelled to drop the policy because it so covers them. By the way, there are non-contraceptive uses for, so called, birth control pills like regulating the monthly cycle etc., but I guess that's neither here nor there.
As far as the so called "mandate" of the Affordable Healthcare law is concerned, it is designed to guarantee that all workers receive all the healthcare they are entitled to under the law of the land. They are not meant to curtail the free exercise of the Catholic faith, but guarantee liberty to those non-believing workers who might work for Catholic institutions.
Whoa! Stop there! My friend, you must be a monastic who has been in a cave for the past 6 months! You have hit the nail on the head with your comment but you don't realize it. This HHS mandate gives government the right to mandate what church teaching should be or face persecution/prosecution. Yes it "guarantees liberty to those non-believing workers who might work for Catholic institutions." In doing so, it takes away religious liberty. Our Constitution has guaranteed this liberty (1st amendment) for over 200 years.
As for a President being required to obey the law, tell me. Who is going to arrest the President? His appointed Attorney General. This is the appointee who has been instructed to argue AGAINST the law (marriage laws, religious freedom, ban on federal spending for abortion, the right to trial by jury, etc.)
I recommend that everyone be wary of both parties but you have a moral obligation to vote for candidates who align closest to Christ's teaching.
Those who do not vote carry no weight with their complaints.
I don't know why any Catholic would be impressed with these rationalizations you have expressed. We've heard them all before. Voting for those who would force the mandate is a vote against Christ and His Church. It's as simple as that.
As for a President being required to obey the law, tell me. Who is going to arrest the President?
Constitutionally, the President is obliged to respect and enforce the laws of the United States. If he fails to do so, the constitutional remedy is impeachment by the House of Representatives, followed by a trial in the Senate.
For this remedy to work, though, the members of the Legislative Branch must put principle above partisanship, which is highly unlikely in the present situation.
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