I got my books in from amazon.com... I read the first couple of chapters of
The Way of A Pilgrim, and I love it. So does my husband, so I'm letting him read it while I move on to other books, and I'll get back to it when he's done.
But when I started to read the preface to
The Ladder of Divine Ascent I got very discouraged. The writer of the preface really emphasized asceticism to the point that I felt that in the married state I will never be able to achieve union with God in this lifetime.

After twice working on the preface, I was so discouraged I wasn't able to finish the preface and move on to what St. John Climacus wrote. (Had to Confess despair, too

They had
Ascending the Heights on the shelf at Barnes and Noble (it wasn't there
last week :p ) so I bought it, and I'm reading it first. It's making
The Ladder much easier for me to handle.