Bless me a sinner, Father Deacon Edward!
What do I know?
Our former pastor, Fr. Bohdan Lypsky, used to tell us that there isn't a "great difference" between laity and priests in the Eastern Church as the Eastern priests have never been so "exalted" as have the Latin priests.
There are many blessings that I was taught to practice from when I was a little younger - I'm greying terribly and rather prematurely.
Thus, there is the lay blessing of the new loaf of bread, blessing of water before drinking it and of all food. The blessing of the bed before lying down to sleep and of anything that one is about to use for the first time or subsequent times e.g. car, desk or place of work.
I was at a wedding anniversary and was asked to lead the prayers.
The couple instinctively knelt down before me (!) and I blessed them with three fingers, tied their hands with a towel, covered them (and me - that was fun!) with a larger embroidered cloth and so on.
I intended no ritual, but the impulse to have it was so strong that the three of us were swept up by it.
I also blessed them with holy oil etc.
Another couple then came to me and said they wanted me to "do them" next year.
I wasn't acting out a priestly inclination - everyone knows I'm a failure in that department